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Dsc And Abs Fault

Pete A

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Hi Guys,

FG 6T. Yesterday the DSC and ABS fault messages came up in the menu display. Stopping the engine and starting it again the error goes away for a while but comes back some time later. Car seems to go and stop OK. Anyone had this before? The car is going in to get something else fixed in a week so I'll get them to check it. Doesn't seem the adversley affect the car. Anyone had this problem? Any concern about driving the car in the meantime? It seems quite normal. Thanks

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I dare say you might have a problem with your brake pedal switches. Have had a few through with the same concern and ended up being the problem. Things like abs sensors can do the same thing but havent had any dramas with them yet in the FGs. Your abs and stability control wont work when the lights are on but is still ok to drive carefully.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I get the DSC light go on and have had this fixed by Ford under warranty but it still keeps comming back... mine tends to be a sensor in the front left steering area that keeps needing recalibration I think I was told if the wheel alignment goes out by a certain angle then it will trigger it...but this just triggers my DSC...not my ABS...

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  • 7 months later...
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I get the DSC light go on and have had this fixed by Ford under warranty but it still keeps comming back... mine tends to be a sensor in the front left steering area that keeps needing recalibration I think I was told if the wheel alignment goes out by a certain angle then it will trigger it...but this just triggers my DSC...not my ABS...

hey I have a 03 ba xr6 turbo an I got simular problem, my abs and t/c light keeps coming on, an then I have no t/c

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do any of you guys have different diameter wheels or tyres front to back? I had the abs and tc lights come on when I had a different tyre profile front to back

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This is an awesome problem especially when the light comes on seemingly at random. You clean the sensors and it stays away and ooooh hooo hooo! I`ve fixed it then whack! light on you dirty *&^%er!

If its not stagger wheel fitment like Pat says or even dirty sensors, someone with a scantool ( like a dealer ) can soon tell you what it is.

Mine was a bad sensor on the passenger front. I imagined I`d stretched the wire on atleast one when I fitted new coils and turns out the one I started on and really, made all the mistakes on, was the pass. front.

My tuner graciously gave me a couple of wheel sensors and after replacing that left front its been plain saling ever since.

P.S. if you want a wild ride, really pounce on the anchors with the ABS deactivated. I did and was stunned at how untidy it all got.

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nah ive got pair of 18" mags from the BF falcon's on, its prity dam low but dont no if the guy who lowerd it f@cked the sensor..

had prity wild ride in the wet on sat day, had to put the foot down to get out the way of this car an I ended up back wards between trafic islands,



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Contacted loacl Ford dealer about DSC and crusie control turning off when headlights are switched on. Initial diagnostic scan was $120 so thought I'd try a few things first. For $7 replacved rear stop and tail lights with the cheapies from Repco. Originally the LED type which someone mentioned before. Upon removal noticed they were a bit loose. New bulbs and evrything works great.!

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