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Fg High Pitched Whistle After Pod Installed

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  • Member For: 16y 8m 9d

The top of the box was cut out to allow more air to flow into the box. (yes some people have the view that it will suck in hot air from the engine bay, but when you accelerating, and moving, the hot air from the engine is being pushed back towards the firewall, and under the car)

It’s a 3" pod that fits inside the box without the cut out. I've tried it sealed and open, and it seems to perform better as is.

The top half of the air box has a moulded pipe on it which from memory has an ID of 80mm. I ran a PVC pipe that fit inside the factory pipe, sealed it with silicone, and attached the pod. (inside the box is a 25 or 35 degree bend to angle the pod down slightly).

I could run a larger pod as there is a lot of room inside the box itself, but I'm happy with the current setup

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