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Whats Wrong With My Baby!


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Gday All

Havn't been on the forums for a while hope everyones well. I have an issue that I hope someone can help me with.

My car is a BA mk1 xr6t auto. The problem is, its currently runing a 10psi Generic cappa tune from the old cappa flash box (I know they are sh*t but I cant afford a custom tune atm). All was fine for a while, but all off a sudden it is only boosting to 7-9psi (usually 7psi in first and jumps to around 9 after 1-2 gear change) but more, worrying, shes backing firing. Best way to describe it is exactly like traction control kicking in but when its off and on full throttle. The car stutters and jerks. I have triple checked all piping is on correctly (for a boost leak) and when the car is flashed back to standard tune, it boosts too 5-6 as it should and does not back fire at all. Only other mods is air intake (currently runing a pod off the turbo, but happens with the standard airbox still), and gutterd cat with a single 3inch cat back system) Im thinking either a problem with the tune (which is strange as I dont know if tunes could muck up from the box) or perhaps an injector is miss firing, or dirty which may explain why it happens when pushed harder on the 10psi tune. Hoping somone may have had a simular problem and can help me figure out whats wrong.



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Do you have yours gapped to .8? Do you notice any rough idle?

I have a set of 0.8mm re-gapped plugs at home but im currently using the standard issue Ford 0.9 gap and they seem to be going alright.

Is there much difference?

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Thanks for the replies guys, Cars just clicked over 110,000km. Havn't touched the plugs. Do I need to put special ones in there (high performance ones?) or can I just take it somewhere cheap like kmart auto and ask for new spark plugs? Coil pack is standard. And actually yes, I did notice rough idle occasionly it would drop 300rpm or so. Could the plugs be responsible for the boost leak, or would that just be the backfiring problem?

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process of elimination. Do your plugs first and (std Fraud ones will do)gap them

Wouldn't hurt to clean the throttle body and do boost solenoid maintenance as well.

Next step coil packs , get a new one and rotate with each existing one to see if that identifies a culprit.

I would recommend a custom tune ASAP. Don't trust generics and never will

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I dont see how you cant afford to get a custom tune but are willing to run a generic tune which has a chance of stuffing your engine. You can get a custom tune for $390 these days. Even though your issue is probably something minor I wouldn't be running a generic tune at all.

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are the xr6t coil packs the same as a stock xt??

Yes they are.

As for this problem I would suspect the plugs on a standard turbo they should be replaced at 105 000 kms acording to ford but I recon 80 000 kms is enough.


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