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Xr6t Burnout


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I have a video of a BA XR6 Ripping up and awsome burnout I think its a turbo model not sure but f*ck it rips it up. I can email it to someone and they can post it up?

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I personally wouldn't risk doing a burnout in my T. Knowing my luck a police officer will see me doing it and confiscate my car :(

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how do you do a burnout in an XR6T???? what kind of question is that!!!!

only jokin.

just practice in a non busy area, once you get the hang of it, well....... hehehe!

good luck mate!


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Interestingly, one guy here in Wagga decided to 'let it rip' out the front of the Red Lion here about 2 months ago.

He lost it and went spearing towards a lot of people.

Too me it's his own fault, especially when it was done near closing time and a lot of people crossing the road leaving.

I dont know weither it was forunate or not but one of our boys in blue saw the whole thing and confiscated his car and docked him 3 points.

Too be honest I love my beastie too much to do something stupid like that let alone on a busy public road.

Plonky, VG is it still illegal if it's done on your own property? like a farm or 5 acres no where near a road? If it's not, why dont people do it there instead?

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As this guy's from Perth it would be safe to assume that he's gonna do it on a street.

And what exactly is this supposed to mean?

That everyone from Perth is a cretin and is therefore required to act in this manner?

Or do you mean that due to Perth being such a hick outback town that we can't afford or even be bothered with considering installing a burnout pad. If it is the latter then I will remind you that the Motorplex drag racing venue in Perth (including the 'Snake pit' burnout pad) set a new standard for such venues which is now being copied around Australia - just ask Victor Bray where the fastest track in Australia is. There are actually two public burnout pads in the metro area.

I'm sure this was said during a state of heightened emotion otherwise you wouldn't have made such a ridiculous comment.

Quote Plonky - "The real interesting thing is when you have a car on full noise going into a tight corner and holding the fastest mid corner speed that you dare!"

I agree with Plonky ....but shouldn't he have got chastised too? That sort of driving has to be more dangerous than doing a burnout.

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  • Team Blueprint
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As this guy's from Perth it would be safe to assume that he's gonna do it on a street.

And what exactly is this supposed to mean?

That everyone from Perth is a cretin and is therefore required to act in this manner?

Or do you mean that due to Perth being such a hick outback town that we can't afford or even be bothered with considering installing a burnout pad. If it is the latter then I will remind you that the Motorplex drag racing venue in Perth (including the 'Snake pit' burnout pad) set a new standard for such venues which is now being copied around Australia - just ask Victor Bray where the fastest track in Australia is. There are actually two public burnout pads in the metro area.

I'm sure this was said during a state of heightened emotion otherwise you wouldn't have made such a ridiculous comment.

Quote Plonky - "The real interesting thing is when you have a car on full noise going into a tight corner and holding the fastest mid corner speed that you dare!"

I agree with Plonky ....but shouldn't he have got chastised too? That sort of driving has to be more dangerous than doing a burnout.

No disrespect to Perth at all. What I meant was, after all the talk of legal burnout pads was about Qld, and there was no mention of a legal pad in WA, that it was safe to assume that he was thinking about burnouts on public streets. I made no assertions about people from WA being 'cretins' or 'hicks'. You are the one drawing an enormously long bow here.

I would have made the same assumption about the ACT if the original poster had have mentioned he came from here as I'm pretty sure we dont have any here either.

Now that I am aware that you have such a pad in Perth I stand corrected. For gods sake take a chill pill and relax. I have spent a considerable part of my life in WA and adore the place. To be perfectly honest I had no idea and no interest in the Motorplex complex.

Read the thread, read what we're talking about. Dont just shoot off at a million miles per hour. Sometimes I really wonder why I bother. The comment was far from ridiculous, maybe just a little misinformed. If the poster hadve mentioned ANYTHING about doing a burnout on a legal pad I would not have made that comment. It would be nigh on impossible to suggest that 99.99999999999% of all burnouts aren't done on public streets.

Be a little less xenophobic my friend :hiwelcome:

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This topic has been closed due to the AGRO that is being shown in the replies. You had been warned! Lets play nice in the future and dont assume anything! Ask first!

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