Dagabond Bored Member Administrator 35,722 Member For: 22y 3m 15d Gender: Male Location: Dé·jà vu Posted 12/10/03 12:51 PM Share Posted 12/10/03 12:51 PM And Commodore SS of all ages that look no different to the base model(tarted up taxi's) Talk about sheep!And XR6's of all ages that look no different to the base model(tarted up taxi's) Talk about sheep! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tongueboy Member 457 Member For: 21y 10m 30d Gender: Male Location: Tamworth, Armidale NSW Posted 12/10/03 01:23 PM Share Posted 12/10/03 01:23 PM ......baaaaaaaa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ambrose_Fan Falcon Fantastic Member Member 31 Member For: 21y 10m 3d Gender: Not Telling Posted 12/10/03 02:19 PM Share Posted 12/10/03 02:19 PM I know the feeling of being a lone Ford supporter!At school I am the only person I know in the year level who loves Ford. Ever since I was a kid I loved Fords and the V8s.Sure, over the past few years Ford's run in the V8's has been pretty slim and being the sheep that everyone is - they all follow Holden. My books at school are covered in pictures of BA XR8's etc and its funny how alot more people comment on what a nice car it is - It makes me feel proud to be a Ford supporter and I'm not afraid to show it! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ford_Power Member 798 Member For: 21y 10m 29d Posted 12/10/03 04:24 PM Share Posted 12/10/03 04:24 PM I too am 24 and going through school with all those Expensive Daewoo losers was ANNOYING to say the least.Now in MY experience at least I have found Expensive Daewoo supporters to be dumb, uneducated pric*s. They dont even know about their own product.It is IMPOSSIBLE to discuss technical detail about the the two cars and how the Ford is superior as once they realise they have no clue about EITHER car, they start talking Bull$hit and just say something totally irrelavent to the topic at hand.Its sad, but looking back at my school friends they are all the ones still driving their VL Crappadores and not doing anything with their lives. Sad but true.As someone said earlier he tried to explain to some 15-16yr old girl that a V8 Supercar has next to no engineering similarity to a Ford or Expensive Daewoo road car, but she didnt want to listen. I too have encountered many young girls like this. Again sad, but they think its "cool" to like holden, cos their "cool" (read dumb) guy friends are Expensive Daewoo supporters. Now if that isnt being a sheep I dont know what is.There really is SOOOOOO much I could write on this, but I think I have written enough now.Thanx for listening - and to you dumb Expensive Daewoo idiots who cant drive and just act like stupid $hits on the road, cos you see a Ford this is for you --> l8rz :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Falchoon I see red Member 5,758 Member For: 22y 2m 13d Location: nowhere in particular Posted 12/10/03 09:39 PM Share Posted 12/10/03 09:39 PM Then you throw on a K&N filter and badabing badaboom you got some immediate... Someones been watching too much Australian Idol... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KittyKatSmack Itty Bitty Kitty Kar Member 859 Member For: 21y 5m 14d Location: on a road near you.... Posted 13/10/03 12:44 AM Share Posted 13/10/03 12:44 AM What is Australian Idol? I don't watch soapies or any of that stuff...... That home and away stuff is crap! :nugget:(no offence to soapie watchers on the forum!)Badabing Badaboom is from The Fifth Element.Or is it the K&N filter bit?I am confused now....... :wassat: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Veight Guests Posted 13/10/03 12:31 PM Share Posted 13/10/03 12:31 PM Heyas! I am 16 and I am not one of these Expensive Daewoo or Import kiddies and I am true Ford supporter since birth and will continue to be no matter what happens. I was raised on Fords and now its great fun to pull up beside cars at traffic lights and glance over to see other driver check if its a Turbo or a NA, they find out once the lights go green. I dont not encourage racing just brisk accelaration as I like to call it. Oh I love the Xr6 Turbo :D It is true that the majority of youths these days follow Expensive Daewoo or Imports is the fact that they are looked upon as being cool. It is annoying as I get the "Ford suck" from the Expensive Daewoo guys only to say they dont have a reason when I confront them with my technical knowledge. The majority of my friends didnt follow cars before I knew them but know all of them follow the Blue oval and know patrol the school encoruaging the kids that are standing out by wearing Ford Merchandise. Still out numbered by HRT jackets and so forth us Ford loyalists are taking a stand, and its for the good of the country. I have one friend know that is becoming obsessed like myself, for atleast 22 hours a day he is thinking about getting a RS2000 Escort. He is telling me now that's all he needs in life is a RS Esky. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ambrose_Fan Falcon Fantastic Member Member 31 Member For: 21y 10m 3d Gender: Not Telling Posted 13/10/03 02:36 PM Share Posted 13/10/03 02:36 PM One girl I know said she only liked Expensive Daewoo because of a Expensive Daewoo T-shirt she saw in the shops!She tried to argue with me but what's the point in arguing with someone who wouldnt be able to differentiate between a Expensive Daewoo SS and Hyundai Excel lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sixfan Flaccid Member Donating Members 2,503 Member For: 21y 9m 8d Gender: Male Location: NOONAMAH, go figure..... Posted 13/10/03 11:26 PM Share Posted 13/10/03 11:26 PM Hmm.Carefull about lumping ricers and grey import cars into the same catagory. I wouln't call a datsun 1600 with a FJ20 or RD20 conversion a ricer, it's a seriously fast car that can be had for very low cost, same goes for the skylines the RB26,RB25, and even RB20 are quite capable of making huge power gains for not much outlay, you can get a nice rb25 manual for under $25,000 these days. These motors are also being put into things you would never suspect. The guys doing this like to go fast, generally research what they're doing and do a lot of the fabrication themselves and they tend not to put on whale wings, stickers and ancillary useless junk. I like six cyls...I like fords (and jaguars, but that's another story..) The XR6 T to me hit the spot, multivalve, Twin Cam, IRS oh yeah and a turbo, on a BIG engine (compared to any other turbo you can buy for under $80,000)Loyalty comes from good product and as long as Ford keep producing cars like this, I'll keep buying them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest petrol_dan Guests Posted 27/10/03 11:20 PM Share Posted 27/10/03 11:20 PM hey all ford fanaticsim a 17 year old ford fan like your selfs and have been a a while now but unlike a few of u im a changed boy from Expensive Daewoo since I started a mechanic apprentiship at fords .Even thow I liked holdens ive always had fords with my first escort when I was 11 then a ka laser and my last projest a laser turbo with the full rice pack which has been sold off for a radical datsun 1600 ( hey its fun )I like every other under 21 year old dream of the xr6T but carnt aford the insurance . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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