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Fg Ute Axle Tramp

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  • Member For: 16y 6m 11d
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I have done over 10,000kms now and not ONCE had axle tramp. I got it a bit on my old VE Bogan special , but I guess I had this thing modded so early I might not have ever given it the chance to..

But ye, UTE all the way for me I love it..

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I've had axle tramp once but most the time it never does which is pretty good cause it spins up pretty freely. that's in a BF2. I know the kit your talking bout for the BF which is called an anti-tramp kit, and from the way it looks it should really fit to even an FG if the leafs are pretty much the same as the BF ones.

Clicky Me If you check that out it might make sense.

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  • Member For: 21y 7m 3d

I used to get it bad in my BF F6. Couldn't break traction without a violent series of axel tramp. That car had 19" witha lower profile tyre.

Since getting the FG ute I can honestly say I have never experienced it once. It breaks traction nicely and feels smooth even over bumpy roads. I have 18" with standard XR suspension. Oh- and it's a manual too.

One thing that really struck me about the ute vs. sedan was the amount of oversteer required in the ute to hang the arse end out. In the sedan I frequently had the back end ready to overtake the the front. With the ute I find it far more foregiving and very easy to control the slide (all on private roads of course!)

GLOO - something not right with your set up. 100% of the time? Do you have factory suspension/tyres? Do you carry a load all the time? What are your tyre pressures? I run mine at 40psi.

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  • Member For: 16y 9m 9d
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I got the 19" luxo pack wheels, car has 3000k's on the clock. So its brand new unmodded. It even tramps in the wet.

Its never towed and never had a load on it yet. Right out the factory its been a bitch. Its a manual also.

I might check tyre pressure tonight, I havent yet scince its brand new so maby there running soft.

Dunno what the deal is, ill get some good suspention when money alows. Im hoping that will help it.

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  • Member For: 16y 9m 9d
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I didnt buy a ute to carry a ton of sh*t around, I cary sh*t in the back all the time, biggest shift was maby 120kgs, 5 20kg rapid set bags and a bunch of tools required for the day. Generaly just my day to day tools and enough room to put some small machinery in, flex drives, quick cuts, gennies + power tools. Not really real loads though. What are the utes rated at for load carrying? 800kgs? I might drop 20 bags in the back over the weekend and see if that gets things right.

Keeping bags of sand in the back permanantly doesnt justify doing skids and I try not to do skids with sh*t the back any ways. Ill find a way. Maby it needs a good 400kgs to get everything sitting right and set everything in right. Like I said its brand new, only a few weeks old.

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