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Speeding Fine Update.


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To those who were interested in the speeding fine thread (recently locked) As promised I thought I would give an update. Went armed with all my evidence to court today but as I am pleading not guilty the matter has been deferred to August 2nd. When I get the verdict I will let you know how it turns out. Mods, no disrepect starting similar thread, can re- lock this if you think necessary.

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  • Sucker
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Why such a delay - is that just because of backlog? Bit of a friggin joke really, no wonder most couldn't be bothered with it.

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I thought it was strange, as on the ticket I filled out the section required if you choose to fight the infringement in court. Naively I turned up expecting the case to be heard on the day. I was there, a representative for the police was there but the show didn't go on,seemed like it was just a waste of everybodies time. The police rep gave me a written copy of my conversation with the officer for my records that was taped when I was pulled over, unfortunately due to their illegible scribble I will be going back to their station to request that they give me something that can actually be read. Anyway I will sit back and wait for August to come around.

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  • It's All In Your Mind
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Best of luck to you mate.

Although it will never happen, if everybody in Aus who got booked for just one day elected to what you are doing our court system would block up for 100 years. Then they wouldn't have any money to keep brain washing us that anybody who exceeds the limit by 10 kph is a dangerous hoon who should have their car confiscated. Best of luck with it all.

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  • Team Kickass
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Mate they are not required to give you there evidence until the day of the hearing for a traffic matter or they are ordered to by the magistrate, so it is doubtful they will give you a typed copy at this stage..

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I remember a mate who contested his charge of speeding. On the day of the hearing, the court official came out to the waiting hall, asked all those there for speeding offences to raise their hand. He then said "put it back down if you were over the speed limit, no matter the circumstances, even by 1km/h"... all hands went down. He said you all have broken the law, you have no case. Most then left, defeated. Good luck with it, I hope you are armed to the teeth.

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The other thread was closed? Fail.

That would have been your initial appearance, basically it's a day for making a plea & setting the trial date. Was there a section on the prosecution notice to submit a written plea?

The fine that I successfully fought over here in WA took 9 months to make it to court, this is usually advantageous for defendants though.

Again best of luck.

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Mate they are not required to give you there evidence until the day of the hearing for a traffic matter or they are ordered to by the magistrate, so it is doubtful they will give you a typed copy at this stage..

I have no idea how this all works but could you then ask for the case to be adjourned again once the officers present their evidence stating that information wasnt made available

(tig) seems like a long wait best of luck hope you win if you are in the right

cheers trev

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If you submit requests for the certification of lidar, the proof that the operator is certified and that the area has been designated as approved for speed enforcement, then you can drag these things on for a long time. You can request a heap of stuff for your defence, one that can really throw a spanner in the works is the SOPs for LIDAR use. The police will not let you see it and you can say that the police are hindering your defence by not allowing you access to this document. You could have grounds for dismissal of the charges.

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Along with Your advice from last thread ZAP, which is stuff that could really help


Was the LIDAR on a tri/mono pod when being used?

What distance was your reading obtained ?

Was the cop trained and licensed in the use of the LIDAR and for how long has he been using it?

Find out the date the LIDAR unit was last certified.

In NSW the LIDARS are Kustom Pro Laser III only.


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