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Victoria Police Book 14,000 Motorists Over Easter


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I also agree, some of the posted speeds are stupid. On an empty 5 lane freeway, 100km/h limits are stupid, however I'm only going to do 100 not because any faster isn't safe, but because its the law. If you get caught doing the wrong thing, regardless of if you think its stupid, then you only have yourself to blame.

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And that's the idea of these posts ... to state that some of the rules on our roads are a bit conservative, but unfortunately these forums is as far as it will ever go ... That was the reason for Rootsters topic that is now closed ... somehow, we as car enthusiasts need to make some kind of stand, but the problem is that if we do, things could be made worse ...

Here's another idea:

any members ugly enough to pass as Anna Bligh? Maybe we could dispose of her and put you in her place :stupid:

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Well if it's not 'raising revenue' why is there a monetary penalty to begin with? If they were absolutely serious they would decrease the allowable demerit points and get rid of fines altogether. Your thoughts?

Slightly related topic...upset a speed camera operator this morning at the end of my street, asked him if it was legal to park at an intersection and surely that wasn't an approved camera site. He told me to mind my own business and then moved it 5 minutes later...guess that was a no on both counts.


Welcome to Australia COMRADE

Those camera operaters are the lowest life form of life on the planet next to parking inspectors.Man what a fantastic and rewarding career they have. I think they are taught to be obnoxious pr!cks during their training. Ya should of slapped the mongrel TAB :shocked:

Edited by hypnodoc
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Apparently yes, everything carries over regardless of where your license is issued.

I disagree, the double points provision isnt applied to interstate drivers.

And all this endless talk about revenue raising has convinced me that double points is all about revenue raising.


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Depends on your home state, the state where the offence is committed advise the home state of the amount of demerit points etc. and it is essentially up to your state if they apply them. Or has that changed?

Good work on yet another stupid comment in regards to revenue raising. I asked for your opinions earlier in the thread and you declined.

One of the smart things they have actually done in Qld, rather than having double demerit point weekends etc. you get hit with double points for serious subsequent offences within a given period. I.e. do more than 21 km/h over the limit twice will see four points on the first and eight points on the second offence.

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If everyone is so pissed about how it is revenue raising, it is simple, obey the rules of the road.

It's interesting that people who apparently obey every rule in society actually think that the Government care about them.

How about the thousands of folks who have been fined incorrectly? There have been some pretty high profile cases where people were doing under the speed limit and a speed camera pinged them at doing double or triple than what they were really doing. I wouldn't trust any of these cameras or police radars to be 100% accurate at all - ever.

Edited by Bobman
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