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Enough Is Enough


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Well went away for the weekend....had some time to think about things....We need to make a stand...tell these pencil pushers were not going to take this sh1t anymore...

Why are they picking on speeding drivers....we all make mistakes..and with the confusion with road signs....a momentary glance away from the speedo we are done.....whats this sh1t getting booked for 2-3 km over...they can suck my cock

Fark it lets make a stand...start a petition...sure we could get 100's of 1000's of people...take them parliament...cause traffic choas at peak hour....we have to do something...we just can't sit here and cope it surly...People power we can do it...they over turned the window tint...lowering of cars....WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING....with only 7% of deaths on the road attributed to speeding...wtf are they doing about the other 93%...

Some one with a bit more brains than me....needs to put these farkers to the sword...

Who's up for causing a traffic jam...in the next couple of weeks....we could ring a tv station I'm sure they come out...Set a date and let other forums know...

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sounds like a plan I got ass f*cked over xmas and now im off the road for 3 months my first speeding fine in 2 years and befor that 15km and under 3 years befor that considering I was doing 40000km a year I think that's a pretty good effort really

ive got no problem with speed cameras its the placement of speed cameras that gets my blood boiling

how about placing them in all school zones and high accident areas for a start then maybe if the goverment wants some more money place them when speed limits drop from say 70,80,90 to say a 60,50,40 zone

not 100m from a speed zone increase hiding behind a tree bangcomputer.gif

cheers trev

Edited by trevs
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Your kidding me right Rootster??? Are you still going on with this buddy? Just let it go mate, and move on just be more carefull next time... Your lucky they left you one point LOL..

I usually try not to drive over the festive seasons LOL, it helps.. :spit:

Edited by SPIKO
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I fully agree that something needs to be done, however you have 2 main points that are almost impossible to battle against.

1. Most people are dumb brainwashed iddiots that think that 5km/h over the limit means instant death and that all speeders cause deaths on the road. They believe that is nobody speeds, then there would not be a sigle fatality on the roads. This opinion has been developed by the ongoing brainwashing from the RTA and police advertising.

2. Speeders are easy to catch, done by a majority of drivers and is a great source of revenue.

The road toll has NOTHING to do with speed enforcement, it is only a guise to make you think it is.

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Point taken Zap, and yes this is common knowledge, and yes 5k's over doesn't spell instant death however this will not change any time soon.......... The revenue aquired is too great, we all know this right?

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I think the news reports I heard today sum it up, on one hand some superintendent puppet saying " so many ppl caught speeding, not getting msg etc "

Then the next report lowesr easter road toll in QLD in 60 yrs.

Now I will clarify by saying I find the annual death count on our roads appalling and it isn`t all idiot 20 yr olds driving like fools.

Its families, kids.

You couldn`t pay me enough to be the cop who has to deal with that or the ambo or firie.

But to kill a snake you gotta hit it in the head, and 5 kph isn`t it.

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