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Will Ford Know If We Flash Our Fgt?


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  • Member For: 17y 1m 1d

No offence but you must work for a dealer who doesnt like to help customers who have modded their car then,which isnt a bad thing. Ofcourse you can datalog certain sensors but as you say,you need to know how they usually operate to tell if they are not correct. Beleive me that most "dealer" techs including some master techs wouldnt have a clue unless they drive a standard car first,record the pids then compare to the car at question. That comes down to thinking outside the sqare though which most dont do. Dont know how you would go about driving a car to datalog pids etc if the car has a twisted tailshaft,broken diff,cactus clutch or broken engine,if it doesnt drive.. Usually the cars that get flagged are the ones that come in with unusual problems or problems that can only happen if overboosted etc.If a FG XR6T comes in for a service,has a timing cover oil leak,brake shudder,busted arse heater flap,broken diff bushes and maybe a leaking diff backing plate can you honestly tell me that you would drive the car and view the datalogger to see if it had been tuned....Like I said all comes down to what the concern is and why it is being questioned if its been flashed or not.If the IDS had a flash counter,Ford would save alot of money on warranty repairs but would also lose more customers as they can use that as an excuse to not repair even common concerns.

Edited by ebxmple
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I work for a country dealer I learnt what to look for by testing my owm ba when I had it.we do try to help but also why should the dealer or ford wear the cost of modified cars.we have been duped before and had to waer the costs so why should we.

Its the guys who try to rip off the dealers and ford that make it bad for the rest.

If you are worried about warranty and them finding any mods than dont do it.

The terms of the warranty are clearly set out in the hand book.


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  • Member For: 17y 1m 1d

I agree..People shouldnt rely on being helped if they have flashed their car. Some dealers can be leanient on some claims but other claims require Ford Approval as im sure you know.

When you play...you pay,is the thing to remember in this game. If your worried about not being able to afford a repair if something breaks...dont flash it. I have seen cars towed away and sit in the customers yard for a couple of months doing nothing untill they can afford to fix it.Oh but dont let all this put you off modding your car haha.

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