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Will Ford Know If We Flash Our Fgt?


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How does Ford know if it's been flashed ?

I have heard several different things and from my understanding wouldn't a scan tool delete the error codes ?

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Cruze, did you find the answer to your question?

It would be good to know

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Just fakan do it! You'll regret not doing it. You shouldn't be on here if your car is stock.

Oh wait. Mine's kinda stock *cough*

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  • My new toy
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fg's are easy to see ba and bf's can be seen for the data logger so you play you pay


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Here's what I can gather from talking to the local Ford workshop. There is a kind of log of flashes done. It has the date and version of the flash. Normally when an ECU is updated by a dealer, the versions number goes up. So when it stays the same a few times they assume it's been tuned.

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I have said it before that Ford can tell if your FG has been flashed. They can tell with the BFS too but most of them are out of warranty anyway. All depends on why your asking too as it takes the Ford guru to come out with his diagnostic tool and test your car,which he doesnt come out for any little thing.. Say for example you twisted your tailshaft doing a stall take off and got the car towed to a dealer. The dealer would then ring ford and consult them, as if they just put a tailshaft in and ford recall the tailshaft to inspect it,the Dealer gets bounced and gets no money for sh*t. They just do not twist when standard fullstop.I have seen this with my own eyes and have had it explained to me by the Ford guru himself.. Cant remember the exact figure but I think it had had 32 flashes. All comes down to what your trying to claim under warranty and of course how nice your dealer is. The IDS cant tell sh*t from chocolate other than if they try reflash it with latest updates etc the car will be returned to you either running rich as sh*t or just back to standard. If your car is tuned properly it shouldnt log any fault codes or throw the engine light on anyway.I say if you have one of these cars your missing out if your keeping it standard and if you do mod it,dont be a tight arse and expect things fixed under warranty if you know you have f*cked with it,as its not Fords problem anymore.... This way you will always be happy weather warranty or not. I honestly love my friendly ford dealer hahaah.

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ebxmple what a top post mate.

Ive spetn buckets on my car, far too much, but whenever I boot it (I cant floor it, no traction) and my head gets pushed into the seat, I think to myeself, "could I get a bit more power if I did this or that?"

Yeah I worry about warranty. Mine has 70k on it so in reality I have 30k to go and the way I drive, that's about 10 months.

But at the end of the day, I could wait until its done 100,001 kilometres and then mod it. Knowing what I know now, boy would I have regreted it.

So get a tune, do you exhaust, whatever. Screw Ford, cause at the end of the day, they will screw you and they wont even ask your name before they do it.

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  • My new toy
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I have said it before that Ford can tell if your FG has been flashed. They can tell with the BFS too but most of them are out of warranty anyway. All depends on why your asking too as it takes the Ford guru to come out with his diagnostic tool and test your car,which he doesnt come out for any little thing.. Say for example you twisted your tailshaft doing a stall take off and got the car towed to a dealer. The dealer would then ring ford and consult them, as if they just put a tailshaft in and ford recall the tailshaft to inspect it,the Dealer gets bounced and gets no money for sh*t. They just do not twist when standard fullstop.I have seen this with my own eyes and have had it explained to me by the Ford guru himself.. Cant remember the exact figure but I think it had had 32 flashes. All comes down to what your trying to claim under warranty and of course how nice your dealer is. The IDS cant tell sh*t from chocolate other than if they try reflash it with latest updates etc the car will be returned to you either running rich as sh*t or just back to standard. If your car is tuned properly it shouldnt log any fault codes or throw the engine light on anyway.I say if you have one of these cars your missing out if your keeping it standard and if you do mod it,dont be a tight arse and expect things fixed under warranty if you know you have f*cked with it,as its not Fords problem anymore.... This way you will always be happy weather warranty or not. I honestly love my friendly ford dealer hahaah.

A dealer technicain who knows what to look for can see it with the ids.

I know this because I do it myself at the dealer I work for.

It is all to do with reading the data logger when driving the car.

Knowing what values to look for and where.


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