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Electric Window Issues


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  • Member For: 15y 8m 17d

Hey everyone,

I recently got my aftermarket headunit and splits professionally installed. Ever since there seems to be a problem with my electric windows. The drivers side window seems to 'free fall' and make a clicking noise when its almost completely down on its way 'down'. If that makes sense.

It seems to only do it when I first turn the car on, and is fine after that and is fine when on its way up. Any advice would be great. It is a BA XR6 cheers.


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  • Member For: 15y 8m 17d

Well guys, over the weekend the window cables ended up snapping, causing the window to break off its tracks and pop up out of the door. Luckily it didnt go any higher or I would of been up for a new window. If you ever here crunching noises, dont use it, lesson well learnt;)

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  • Member For: 21y 5m 26d
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The mid bass speaker or even screws weren't pushing on the window or guide rail were they?

Ths may have pushed it off the tracks, or loaded the motor up causing the cable to snap.

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  • Member For: 15y 8m 17d

The mid bass speaker or even screws weren't pushing on the window or guide rail were they?

Ths may have pushed it off the tracks, or loaded the motor up causing the cable to snap.

Mate, your on to something, Ill see what they say when I get it fixed and take it up with the guys who did my stereo, cheers!

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