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Speeding Fine.


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I have to agree with the above ive done 80000km in the last two years of driving to work and although im sure many on here may have done more km than me im pretty sure a hell of a lot of you guys would have done a great deal less than me

in that time one speeding fine not a bad effort I think considering I was driving from wollongong to the inner city everyday untill I got booked befor xmas now im off the road for 3 months bangcomputer.gif

cheers trev

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I.B. Have you ever fined anyone for illegal tint?

I hope for integrities sake, you can answer no to both questions

Edited by Mat
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The majority of my fines are from passing Semi trailers... Either because they are all over the road or spraying my pride and job with Sh*t.. I do not feel safe around them, especially whe travelling behind.. Yet the "Boys in Blue" really don't give a rats arse about it and continue to write a ticket.... Yet they totally disregard the poorly secured load and uncovered trailes full or rocks and sand.... I think that their attitude suck Arse.... They don't care as long as they get their quota... SHAME !! SHAME!!! SHAME!!!!! Karma will come a full circle one day...

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I.B. Have you ever fined anyone for illegal tint?

I hope for integrities sake, you can answer no to both questions

The other question was have you broken any speed limits in your 270rwkw car?

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You guys make me laugh. Seriously.

Quota. Had that thrown at me for 20 years. Never had one, never needed one. If I couldnt pick up 10 dickheads a day without trying then I had my eyes shut. The amount of KM you drive has nothing to do with the amount of fines you get. For example: Driving down the Hume highway past Seymour, as I was passing the southern most on ramp I see a guy on a bike flying past me on my left. He was laying on the tank giving it heaps. Clocked him at 175. Pulled him up and the ink on his Licence test receipt smudged as I wiped my finger on it...still wet. He still holds the record for the shortest time holding a licence.

Give me crap and throw everything you want but I never made up a booking. Never had to. Too many gooses on the road to have to make them up, seriously.

But this thread is about this guys speeding fine and if he should fight it. In Vic all the guys have to do is prove that the device was "set up, tested and used as prescribed by the regulations", once they do that its prima facie that the reading was accurate. Argue all you like but its legislation.

Still don't know if he has been to court yet.

Did I ever book a bloke for excess tinting? Nope.

Do I speed in my car now? My creed boys. Admit nothing, deny everything, demand proof.

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If you say you were doing 60 in a 60 zone and the police reckon they pinged you at 80 there is no way I would take that lying down.

For all the people saying take it on the chin, crap.

Fight it in court.

Fair enough if it was say 67 or something like, that but 20 over the limit changes things a bit. Besides the fine and loss of points, in theory, you are meant to inform your insurance company, not sure if any one does, but if you were to make a claim and they find out there there was a speeding conviction that you didn't tell them about they may void the policy.

Me personally, I use cruise every where I go and on the limit, no higher.

Check out this site and join their newsletter.

Aussie Speeding Fines

Someone at work fwds this newsletter to me and it makes very interesting reading.

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X 2

Like I said, I've had a lot of traffic infringements and with the exception of one copper who gave me 2 fines and 2 yellow stickers (strange that. He has also pulled me over on 2 other occasions to search my car and left everything for me to clean up but his time will come...) my attitude has been fine. I get out of the car (very important to never let anyone speak down to you. Helps when your 6'6 and 120kgs lol), admit I was doing the wrong thing or that my car was too loud, hand over my license and away I go. I dont expect to get off and I never have.

Interestingly enough, admitting guilt and taking responsibility for your actions (we were all young once*) can work in your favour when it comes time to defend yourself. Trust me ;)

I'm not attacking anyone but it appears the police / ex police on many car forums cant seem to accept their co workers can do wrong.. Head out of the sand boys.

*Once you grow up a little, you realise choose the right time and place and you'll have no problems from joe public or the 5-0

This is some of the worst advice I have ever seen "never get out of your car unless told to do so" being 6'6 and your weight dosn't make any difference getting out of your car just means there is more chance that you will be sprayed arrested fined etc etc etc.

Have your day in court there are alot of idiots out there police and road users alike have your say get it off your chest, I have personaly never lost a traffic matter myself, but that dosnt mean anything to your matter do what you think is best, by the way winning does not mean you are innocent it just means you were found not guilty there is a world of difference.

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Should be able to put this thread to rest next Monday (court date) As a matter of course I am getting the speedo checked and verified for accuracy to eliminate error on my part. I am realistic enough to know that I may not win, however under the circumstances and having collected my evidence,photographed and mapped area of alleged infringement it has to be defended and not just walk away and forgot about . I will be representing myself on this occasion as it is after all only a minor traffic infringement and I have all my points so there is no issue of losing points/licence so I am prepared to spend my time at court but draw the line at any other legal costs. It will be interesting to hear their response when questioned as to how a lidar can work accurately looking downhill through a near solid mass of gum trees fully laden with thick green leaves.Anyway let you know the result next Monday night.

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