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Australia's Pump Fuel Clash Of The Titans!


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This has grown like wildfire. Its precisely what is needed in my humble opinion.

2010 is one quarter gone. At the beginning of this year big things were reported to be on the horizon from many sectors.

Well, there has been some changes. All over the world and locally.

Things need a shake up every now and then.

This thing, this car.. A certain engine uniquely homegrown. A big inline six that is in no doubt the best engine this country has produced, that has spawned a fraternity and an allied industry of tuners and fabricators.

Add a provocateur like our man Spiro who has instigated a challenge that has generated such interest and input from the industry and associated parties.

In light of recent events, it could not come together at a better venue.

This is the sh!t!

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I had a chat to Jim at the Tunehouse workshop tonight.

I suggested that we come up from Sydney, as this sounds like a good event.

Maybe something to replace the BV (big Vic) events of years ago, if we could get enough guys together; something to think about for the future.

I'm in Melbourne next week, but I said to Jim that when I get back we'd see what would need to be done to get xr6t8u ready, as it needs a few things done.

Spiko asked me a week ago if I could make, and I doubted it because of work, but I haven't ruled it out.

Even if I can't make it with the car, it sounds very worthwhile just to fly up for the day (or weekend) and join in to be a part of the event.

I would be good to get others from some of the other states to come and be a part of the day, and meet other forum members.

It's great to see more people getting behind this event. Thanks to the organisers and those donating prizes.


Put this together Brian I know you are an experienced coordinator buddy, it's only fair that xr6t8u is there mate I have said this :beerchug::bowdown::bowdown:

This has grown like wildfire. Its precisely what is needed in my humble opinion.

2010 is one quarter gone. At the beginning of this year big things were reported to be on the horizon from many sectors.

Well, there has been some changes. All over the world and locally.

Things need a shake up every now and then.

This thing, this car.. A certain engine uniquely homegrown. A big inline six that is in no doubt the best engine this country has produced, that has spawned a fraternity and an allied industry of tuners and fabricators.

Add a provocateur like our man Spiro who has instigated a challenge that has generated such interest and input from the industry and associated parties.

In light of recent events, it could not come together at a better venue.

This is the sh!t!


Edited by SPIKO
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Kent, have you been in contact with dave (will he be back from the U.S.)? I know he's not big on dyno days, but certainly might make an appearance if he can show off the purple beast at willowbank (good temps round then to push for that eight).

I will be talking to Dave as soon as he lands LOL :stirthepot:

Hey Spiko

We Mexicans run on Highland proof, hope there's a tier for us...lol

Did anyone say Laphroic... :beerchug:

Edited by SPIKO
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I will give 10% to any auto on the day, and I'm sure the other manual boy's will do the same.. This is called a CLASS Action Lee... :icon_ford:

cheers spiro,I might need a little more than that though lol,regardless will be a great day,im just happy to be helping out.

cheers lee

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I really not sure I wanna push mine that far on pump fuel hey, ill have a think about it though, I would be keen to come down and do some race fuel pulls just for fun, maybe race the same weekend??? is their a street meet or anything on.

any excuse to put the big tune in mine on a dyno ha ha ha. its violent I love it

What has it made at full tilt ? Or r u saving it

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Looking like it will be a great day. Buffers will be there to assist with the consumption of the sausage sizzle.

That's right there will be cars and stuff as wellturboboink.gif

If we have marauders from the south attending we should consider some forum fellowship in the evening


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