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Revheads Riot, Trash Bob Jane Store March


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Nothing racist about a clear observation.

What sh*ts me is the number of older (and you'd think half-mature) people in the crowd cheering and laughing. It's a fckin embarrassment.

That blew me away to. While its no excuse, I could understand if it was teenagers and young people but once you start pushing 30, you think it'd be time to grow up a little.

Cant see Bob Jane sponsoring many events after this and I dont blame them.

Given the real car enthusiasts over there a bad name. Hate to be you guys

Edited by Mat
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  • You are a dead set goose
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Pretty pathetic! 1/2 of those dropkick wankers probably don't even own cars :dontknow:

They've named a few blokes in the photos on the Herald Sun on facebook so they're going to get what's coming to them from a legal perspective. I wouldn't be showing my face in public if I were those knob jockies

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If I were police I'm sure I wouldn't barge on in without a decent amount of backup. Did you see how many people were there. However I'm sure they would have known this protest was on and they should have been prepared for some sort of trouble seeing that bob jane isn't that far away from the bp.

This said. They should not have trashed the store. I feel bad for the franchise owner and real car enthusiasts. It has made it dam harder for us to get support from government because we may be painted with the same brush as these idiots.

I really hope that the government really puts the right step forward in the future and have somewhere for people to burnouts, drags, motorkhanas, driver training centres etc etc. These sort of actions don't help. A peaceful protest would have been enough and made a point. Whoever organised it should have organised it better and should take responsibility.

My 2 cents worth


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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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You guys are right... not to be stereotypical.. but bet 90% of those guys drive around in vn's call them selves car enthusiasts and wouldnt have serviced thier drop kick cars in 5 years.... and drive on blad stckeys ripping PHAT skids everywhere....

Then you get people who respect their cars and look after them and drive respectfully and genuinely want an outlet to have events... get punished!!!... Bob Jane is a cock!... but it's not the franchise owners fault!... and they have just screwed events in melb and possibly other states who take the lead aswell...

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At least technology is so available that these idiots were filmed from 500 different angles.

Pity a car didn't plough into them and take a few out. Where they were standing is not clearly visible due to a slight crest in the road.

Without risk of getting flamed, did anyone on here receive notification prior that it was going to happen?

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