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Revheads Riot, Trash Bob Jane Store March


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  • Sucker
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  • Member For: 20y 10m 6d
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When I first heard the end of it on the news I assumed they were talking about a riot in Greece or something...FMD it's the knuckle dragging neanderthals in our own country!

What a great way to improve the car enthusiast community's reputation. Wankers think the cops are too hard on them as it is...I'm sure this won't exacerbate things. :beerchug:

Thanks to the idiots taking so many pictures and footage themselves I sincerely hope they are all locked up.

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form living in melbourne and now living in brisbane I can say melbourne has sweet F A car events where you can go and have fun in a legal way. here in bris there is alot of places and events to do so. melbourne is way behind, I see now calder is open again for 1/4 mile, that's basically it. but by taking away the ONLY melbourne event where you can get you mates together and go for a bash round in your cars do burnouts, race etc. is always going to get car enthusients pissed off. but FFS this is way to far. again its a manority that is rewining it for the majority of us. just another incident and another nail in the coffin for car events in Melb.

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how about the guy that started the facebook group "FU*K BOB JANE FOR NO EASTERNATS" telling cu*ts to meet up at BP princes Hwy to protest,, asif it wassnt gonna end up how it did and random people just going to start trouble.. then the creator of the group having a go at everyone after what happened.. I was happy to message him telling him he organised it so he should take full responsibility on what happened..

goodluck to everyone who wants to cruise of showoff there nice cars or have any events from now on

Edited by freeze_dk
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I'd hate to be labeled a racist but seems like habib and his mates are 80% the problem.


Edited by Mat
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  • Sucker
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  • Member For: 20y 10m 6d
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Nothing racist about a clear observation.

What sh*ts me is the number of older (and you'd think half-mature) people in the crowd cheering and laughing. It's a fckin embarrassment.

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  • Member For: 18y 9m 27d
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Totally agree what a bunch fo drop kick losers... they all need to go get a life, just for having a nice looking car we are already labled "hoons" now we are also labled "scum bags" because a small percent of dead beats thinks its tough? funny? to trash joints and act like a hero..

Ill start a facebook group " lets find a kick the sh*t out of all the dead beats who trashed bob jane"..

Our night scene for crusing is now FCKED... good luck having a modded car around that area for a few months...

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