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Hungry Jacks Manager

Azid Rush

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that's abit or a rash generalization don't you think? Theres allot of members on this site in there mid 20's that work hard for their money and their toys.

Given that im also in my mid 20's, had modified cars since I was 18 and also worked semi hard for them, it's sort of a generalization but from what I've seen interviewing potential employees its also not... When the mining thing was at its peak in WA year before last and they cared not for who they employed and how much they paid them, I actually had people ask what the pay was like and then tell me they could earn 40K more working on the mines and that I should match it. Theres some great young workers out there who work hard but there are plenty who expect far too much

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You'll learn about timing, people management, basic book-keeping, responsibility, food-place hygine etc as well as how to make a reasonable burger.

mmmm. reasonable burger :drool:

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thanks guys appreciate the advice. The way I see it too is that its management experience for the resume. Plus I kind of switch on and really thrive on high pressure situations at work and I enjoy pressure and responsibility. I dont mind stepping in and getting my hands dirty so to speak as far as cooking and such, I just didnt want to downground to a job I want the main part of the job to be management, not cooking and customer service ya know

I know what its like to be a manager at a pub and club cause ive been there, but being a franchise, wasnt sure if the owner would do most of the management type stuff and instore manager basically makes sure it runs fine and dandy

I say go for it mate, I'm in Management in the retail industry myself and it has has afforded me my first house, a nice car, a lifestyle that I want to have and like has been said previously, on a resume, and applications for loans, renting, credit cards etc it does highlight you in a better way. The only thing I will mention from your above post is don't fall into the trap of thinking the main part of your job IS NOT customer service. You are the one that deals with the complaints you are the one that has to make the decision to support your team or the customer in front of or away from the customer, how you react to situations involving customers including your team as they are your customers too, reflects on your leadership style, which will in your case determine how successful or not your site will be.

In any business especially retail your customers are the most important thing, so dont ever think you are "down grading" by doing customer service. Showing your team that you are willing to get in there and be a prescence on the "front line" as such will earn you a great deal of trust and respect from them. You can have the best product in the world but without a great team who trust and respect you and support the business you will feel like you're going nowhere. And having a great knowledgable team selling a $hitty product just adds to your customers losing trust in your "brand" of whatever service or goods you are providing. Good luck with it mate.


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anyone who has worked in IT and not just that will know that to get anywhere you need to start at the bottom and shovel sh1t before you reach the gold. I only left highshool 3 years ago and 3 years of working 50+ hour weeks have got me working at a reputable level in one of the most advanced ICT networks in australia. as long as you show people you are enthused and flexable at whatever is put before that's what counts.

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