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Matts New Motor


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Okay so with some slight mods to the drivers side engine bracket, we got the motor in and bolted up the tranny, flex plate, and mounts in about 2 hours. Not bad for an evenings work with a few beers.

Today we're gonna get everything bolted on and wired up, STILL waiting on my 4" intake from Chris @ Rapid, 3 weeks and counting. How hard would it be for me to make one??? Running the car this weekend is a MUST. Had a nephew join the family on Wedesday so I've gotta run the thing in tomorrow afternoon/night, change the fluids, then make the 300k trip Saturday so see the little fella.

Edited by mattyb
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You could probably make a temp 4" intake till the proper one arrives, just use silicon bends and short straight pipe.

Motor looks awesome, cant wait to see the finished product.

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So we got her fitted, here are a few piccys of the modified engine mount bracket, and the lug that caused the mod. Of course I had to include one of the fitted powerplant.


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The past 2 days were sh*t! Turns out that there is 2 dipstick holed in the FG block. One front LHS and one rear LHS. We didn't see the front one, only the back one, and it gets closed up by the top side of the sump. We only realised this when installing the dipstick... after wiring the thing up, connecting the turbo, dump pipe, etc. So, out came the motor again at about midnight last night.

Today we dropped the sump off the thing, and realised that there was a front dipstick hole that had a metal plug in it. So we punched it out, and started to intstall the motor again!

4:00 this afternoon we called it quits for the day. All that is left to do is the outer flex plate bolts, cooler, radiator, hotside piping, bumper, fluids and wiring my oil pressure gauge... Bring on tomorrow!

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Well the new motor has 55k's on it, and it hasn't missed a beat. We disconnected the coil packs and cranked her over to get the oil pressure up, than connected them and POW she fired almost instantly. I've been running around keeping it under 3000/3200rpm, and will do so for the next 50-100k'sw then wind it up a few more hundred rpm. I'm gonna baby it through the run in period cos I can't afford to have anything go wrong.

I'll post some finished pics up shortly... the dose pipe straight off the turbo looks sh*tHOUSE, I can't wait for my new cai to arrive.

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  • RUS531
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Got the new CAI yet? When do you go up to Dave mate. I still have to get up there to see him but I'm thinkin I should put a surge tank on first :spoton:

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CAI was sent on friday, Chris still doesn't have any air filters, so he's sending it with a 2nd hand one that's been cleaned up. Will have to wait and see what it's like when it gets here. Might ask him to do me a deal on a Rapid cold air box instead of replacing it with a new one when they arrive.

Dave's still in the U.S. atm but it looks like I'll be heading up to see him on the 10th. I'm chasing a few people for a custom surge tank, looking at one that'll go in the boot with 2 pumps, and 2 tanks that can be switched between, one tank for petrol, and one tank that holds 4 L for race fuel... cost is going to be the only limiting factor.

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  • Hey guys, Tab is here... Oh i feel sick
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dont you just love it when things happen the way they should, congrats on the build, the engine looks mint

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