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1. that's sucks bjc, but where not all bad.

2. Where is this trader rating thing?

3. I think 24 hours to respond or name and shame sounds fair.

Edited by Dillz
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  • The Noble Leader
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I am sorry to hear of your current predicament.. I too have been burnt in the past, however it was not on this forum. It only takes one uncooth person to ruin your trust.

As you stated earlier, it is very important that the advertisement be read correctly. Maybe the forum could look into adding a reputation system. Where memebrs can add reputation points after a smooth transaction has been made... Just a thought...

Anyway, good luck with the bar and working it out with the member involved.

Regards Brad

The new classifieds system enables you to leave feedback on a sale.

It is a shame that something like this happens on the forum. I agree with some of the other members comments that you should be reimbursed some of the cost. The original photos and actual photos are very different.

Having dealt with issues like this in the past, this borders on fraud, as the transaction details and what you actually received differ quite considerably. A copy of the original post, your photos as evidence and PM logs should be sufficient in taking this to the small claims tribunal and dealing with it in the proper manner. I would do it as a matter of principal.



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Sorry to hear about this. I would be pissed off as well. There are alot of transactions that take place through here and sadly you happened to be in the extreme minority that have been shafted! I know its alot of cash to be screwed over with but think of what u could a will miss out on if you let this consume you. Id be doing exactly the same by taking all action against him. I cant speak from experience but id still trust the people on here just might have to be extremely carefull in the process. Hope you get a decent outcome out of this.

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I bought a CIA off Ebay a month ago. Still waiting to pay for it.

I have sent the turd quite a few emails and still have not heard a word from the little tosser about payment.

But the fool gave me his name and email and the suburb he lives in. Tsk tsk bad move tosser.

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You cannot always know exactly what you are getting, but must have some level of trust that the item is as described.

I have sold and bought a lot from this place and have not had an issue.

We must see 50+ sales per month go through this place and could count on one hand the problems that have been brought to our attention, since I was mod 2 years ago.

The new classified system will allow some ratings, but Trust is still needed.

Hopefully the seller will realise that the words "As New" and "Freshly Painted" mean it should not be loaded with scratches as 4 months of use is a vague description of damage.

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