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Click When Turning


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Hello there.

In my ba mk2 xr6 turbo, Over the last 2-3 months I have noticed a click when I turn the wheel. Only seem to hear it when stationary turning or going slow during a half to full turn and its kind of like a single click noise during the turn. Sounds like its coming from the front.

Does this sound like a cv joint? Not sure if a cv joint is supposed to make a louder noise that you will hear when driving.

If so how much should I expect to pay to get it fixed?

Just had to fork out $2600 for a busted fuel tank, repacement sparks and coils and new diff bush and 8 hours labour at $120 an hour ao hope its not too rich

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  • Cruise Whore
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I'll admit I am not a mechanical expert, but I have had 3 XR6s and all of them have had a clicking noise when turning. I have found that when I've taken it in for service and had the bolts tightened in the engine bay, the clicking has disappeared ( but usually reappears). The last service at Pit Lane, they explained they tightened the turbo bolts - there are 12 of them. I guess there's all types of clicking though - so this may not be the answer to your issue.

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I had this exact problem

Got my ford dealer to fix it. Something to do with two plates in the stearing rack or somthing that needed some sort of aluminium lubricate. Its not serious It is just that these can become sticky or unlubricated. When turning slowly these grip each other or something. Should get it lubed up though. To be honest I wouldnt be suprised if someone here calls me gullible, it is the same dealer that told me I need to replace a wear plate inside the diff @ 90,000km service..but your problem is easily fixed.

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It sounds like steering creak. It's very common and your mechanic will need to grease the bolts and put shims between the steering rack and the cross member

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Had my EF, AU and BA do this. The BA was the worst and got to the extent of clunk instead of the click so had a replacement steering rack and pinion put in. Tightening the bolts did nothing on mine or the previous models. It was that the gears were worn.

Less than $400 for a replacement fitted through a steering specialist (not pedders as they wanted a $1000)

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  On 04/03/2010 at 10:36 PM, revheadrobbo said:

It sounds like steering creak. It's very common and your mechanic will need to grease the bolts and put shims between the steering rack and the cross member

Spot on, couldn't be more normal, it was one of the reasons for a Steel Crossmember on the FG. Shims and grease or even loosening the two bolts and retightening them helps for a little while, probably a service interval, don't think they ever found a complete fix for it during the B series..

could be something more sinister, but if it is clicking when turning, its not your CV's. That only happens on Front wheel drives!

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