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Falken Fk 452

Guest _Spin_

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I`ve been looking into replacing the Marangoni Mythos I had on the front of my car.

The Falken FK 452 kept coming up as a good gripping yet decent lasting, relatively quiet and well priced tyre.

Bob Jane has the 245-35-19 my car requires on special till the 28th Feb for $299.

I bought a pair, had Denmac Ford do the steering rack clonk noise fix and a wheel alignment. Its friggin awesome they are open till midnight eh.

So, while they are still a tad green and have barely 100km on them if that I`d say that:

They were keenly priced for a Jap tyre.

They seem pretty quiet to me, certainly quiet for a tyre with such a silly aspect ratio and quieter than the Dunlops and the Marangoni`s.

The grip really well it seems.

Considering I crusified the Marangonis in .. ahhh maybe 8 months. Weekends only.

Mileage will become apparent.

So far I`m liking them.

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I have put a few sets of these on my car. I quite like them also... They are VERY good in the wet. I am sure that I will go with them again... 8.5/10 from me....

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  • Team Grandpa Qualified
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Had a set on my BF - and LOVED them. Wet weather was their forte, but great at everything else as well.

Wearing out my current Dunslops as fast as possible... :icon_ford:

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No one`s going to argue that F1`s are an awesome tyre with a matching price.

I`d never fit Triangles or instant death Nankangs, like a lot of folk I`m looking about 3 quarters up the price versus wear scale.

I comprehensively smashed the beJesus out of my Marangoni`s.

However I did consider F1`s and don`t rule out fitting them in the future.

lolz0r, fit them to the rear of your car, Brandy..

Here`s one of the Marangoni`s, its not a good pic but the outside edge is blistered to the sh!thouse like a hire go kart tyre.


Less than 8 months on car. Weekends only.

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goodyear eagle f1's no other option for a gud grippy street tyre imo

just put a set of f1s on yesterday love em feel so much safer in the wet now...

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