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Radar Detectors <merged Topic>


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beerchug.gif I love this place everbody telling everybody else whats right and wrong but what else do you expect its a forum for cars mostly owned my old men roflmbo.gif

Probably right there.... but these turbo's are worth a lot of money.. So, you do get the more 'mature' in here. The young ones are still busy picking at their faces and too busy working at Macca's to pay their loan repayments... :blaah:

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Hi guys.

Thought I'd chime in here.

I was a traffic cop in Victoria for 10 years in the 80s when Doppler Radars (non laser) were first introduced and Radar detecters were legal.

I was absolutely pissed when they were outlawed because they mad sure we used the radr CORRECTLY.

Now there are 3 types of radar; hand held, mobile or in car, and stationary (slant) radar used by Speed Cameras.

The whole concept of hand held was that it was to be used to corroborate your observation of a car. IE, you see a car, beleive its speeding and you check its speed with a quick pull of the radar trigger and bang. In ya come sunshine.

Now regardless of the money you spend on a radar detector, I can gurantee you that if the hand held radar is used correctly, the only time your detector will go off is when I have got your speed.

Now I remember we spoke about radar detectors, then there were the radar detectos detectors, and of course the radar detector detector detectors.

Its all crap to me. If I couoldnt get a speed on you with a radar, I'd do you on an estimation and sorry for ya, your in the book.

So for mine, if they are legal in WA, go get one. Same reason GPS is legal everywhere else. But remember, for hand held radar anyway, if its used correctly, your wasting your time. However, mobile radar constantly send out a beam which bounces off the road...you will pick that up. Or the copper who just checks every car and keeps his finger on the trigger. Youll get him too.

Your better off saving your cash and slowing down for mine.


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Its all crap to me. If I couoldnt get a speed on you with a radar, I'd do you on an estimation and sorry for ya, your in the book.

your kidding right?? lets hope you were only allowed to deal with traffic infringements and not real policework.

your admitting that you just made up speeds and charged them with it?? glad your not in my state, I dont care how accurate you think you are at estimating speeds, that's just wrong, essentially elevating yourself to judge and jury by picking speeds and as a result the fine that ensues.

this is the problem with these hoon laws (sorry to go off topic) but police have been legally given the power to be judge and jury on the side of the road, for something they think might have happened, or as Rudiger states, I dont give a dam, I think you did a burnout so I`m taking your car off you for a week, even if he has no credible evidence, or might just be having a sh*t day as the wife wouldnt put out the night beforeso they are able to take it out on the public. end rant. (note, I havent been done for hoon laws, just stongely disagree with the principles stated above)

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Probably right there.... but these turbo's are worth a lot of money.. So, you do get the more 'mature' in here. The young ones are still busy picking at their faces and too busy working at Macca's to pay their loan repayments... :blink:

Hey I'm only 24 and have one, so the young ones arent doing as you say.

And bugger Macca's

Now regardless of the money you spend on a radar detector, I can gurantee you that if the hand held radar is used correctly, the only time your detector will go off is when I have got your speed.

That is were the Laser Jammer comes in, it gives you a reading as if you missed the target until you get down to speed and turn it off to allow the laser to get you.

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  • Sucker
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Plums - it's always been the case that you can be fined based on an estimated speed. Not saying I agree with it, but that's how it is.

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