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Radar Detectors <merged Topic>


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What happens if you ever want to leave the State of W.A.?? The other States anihalate drivers with these type of setups.


Yeah I can vouch for NSW, a mate of mine was caught with one, I purchased it overseas and sold it to him as I didn't want it any more. It was a whistler of some sort purchased few years ago.

Copped a fine almost a grand and 8 or 9 demerit points. I.B can probably give us the info on the exact fine.

Copper just pulled him over and asked for he's license and the radar detector, no questions asked, best of all he wasn't even speeding lol.

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bel sti-r is like $2300 or something isn't it? and it only does want v1 does for $700.

only benfit I can see is it's stealth. but that ain't a problem for us yet.

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I can potentially get the STI-R for significantly less than that price, hence why I'm leaning towards it.

Plus there isn't a big fat radar detector hanging off the front windscreen that the cops can see and get annoyed about.

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All depends on what you are most fearful of!!! :blink:

For Multinova go the Valentine But it will be useless if they get banned in WA in the future.

Bell STI and Escort 9500 are about the same and non detectable at present. But sit on your windscreen like the valentine.

The STI Remote is bloody good and non detectable but costly.

The Remote Escort 9500ci has the same head unit as the Bell STI but also has GPS and Laser shifters so one hell of a unit. The shifters can detect and/or Jam Laser if it’s set to Shifting. The best thing about this unit is its GPS and it uses it to store false alarms and blocks them out so you never get a false alarm from a petrol station or electric door once its setup. Also having GPS allows you to Mark locations and store them so next time your in that location it warns you.

I’ve had and tried them all over the years and one of the best Multinova units was the 995 Bell. Did both narrow and wide KA.. Not sold in WA as most Bells sold here in recent years were Bell 990. Bell 65’s, and Now Bell STI’s.. Like all good things they have a short life as technology changes so it can be expensive keeping up with the latest units. But then again it’s expensive if you keep getting fined for 8km over the limit. To me it’s not a money thing it’s a cat and mouse. And I like to have the new toys. :bowdown:

@ Turbotorana the mobile unit of choice now is usable in both Ka and K bands with most mobile units in WA using K band.. One of the reasons they use these units in the metro area now is it can pin point a speeding vehicle in amongst multiple vehicles. In front, behind or to the side or whatever. There is No X band used at all in WA for the last 5~10 years at least.

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Hi all,

A friend was telling me that his radar detector didn't pick up a speed camera til after he'd passed it, at about 45 degrees past it went off its tits. Picks up every servo along the highway mind you. he only just brought it, beltronics sti. I would've thought the side of the road van type cameras would've been the easiest one to detect? Any ideas.

Also if held in front of the dash it gives a laser warning? is this the cd player maybe....

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they work better in heavy traffic as the lil laser that it detects bounces off things, and they alo pick up the electric doors at servos and banks etc... as u mentioned

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The new Escort 9500 has a GPS element installed which allows the user to program into it false alarms as they happen, then the unit remembers the locations and doesn't alert you in future. A neat solution and also manufactured by BEL electronics. The STI-R and XR are still great units, it all depends on where you mount the sensor head (not behind metal) and preferably with an unobstructed view of the road.

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