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Radar Detectors <merged Topic>


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To all WA people, (and people from other states if they so wish to read!)

Help oppose the ban on radar safety detectors by going to the website below and downloading the petition form titled: "Downloadable copy of letter of objection"


Police Minister Michelle Roberts proposed ban (effective March 2006) has NO SUPORTING EVIDENCE that a ban on radar safety detectors will have ANY impact on cutting fatalities or reducing the incidence of serious accidents.

It is ludicrous that the government thinks they can say "We are banning radar safety detectors" - with no justification and that the people of this state will not oppose it!!

Thank you,


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You will have no hope as WA is the last state you can leaglly use them, and the Federal government wants all states to have a uniformed traffic law.

At the end of the day, if they are illegal, people will still use them, just like every other state.

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You will have no hope as WA is the last state you can leaglly use them, and the Federal government wants all states to have a uniformed traffic law.

At the end of the day, if they are illegal, people will still use them, just like every other state.


Crap. The federal government can want uniform laws all it likes, be a long time before they change here, unless the nt gov isnt keen on being re elected.

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  • Member For: 21y 10m 26d
You will have no hope as WA is the last state you can leaglly use them, and the Federal government wants all states to have a uniformed traffic law.

At the end of the day, if they are illegal, people will still use them, just like every other state.


So be it Zap - but I still would like Michelle Roberts to have to answer to the public with regards to her incorrect statements!


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  • Big Gun
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Crap. The federal government can want uniform laws all it likes, be a long time before they change here, unless the nt gov isnt keen on being re elected.

March is only 2 weeks away champ.

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Filled out and submitted to my local member. Best to say something than nothing at all.

Also, I wonder that if it's a government ban, they'll surely have to offer a buy back scheme. :blink:

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You will have no hope as WA is the last state you can leaglly use them, and the Federal government wants all states to have a uniformed traffic law.

At the end of the day, if they are illegal, people will still use them, just like every other state.


So be it Zap - but I still would like Michelle Roberts to have to answer to the public with regards to her incorrect statements!



Well, Pelican neck (thanks F6 Tornado :blink: ) isn't the Police Minister anymore, John Derazio is. I hear the changes are not being introduced to parlaiment until beginning of April.

You'd have more luck lobbying the opposition - without their support the bill won't pass.

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Crap. The federal government can want uniform laws all it likes, be a long time before they change here, unless the nt gov isnt keen on being re elected.

March is only 2 weeks away champ.


....And after March, NT will still be the only state with NO speed limit zones. :laughing:

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Crap. The federal government can want uniform laws all it likes, be a long time before they change here, unless the nt gov isnt keen on being re elected.

March is only 2 weeks away champ.


....And after March, NT will still be the only state with NO speed limit zones. :jerry:


And no nightlife either. :jerry:

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