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Radar Detectors <merged Topic>


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There are undetectable detectors that can't be picked up by Stallcar or Stallcar 2 but they're very pricey... Somewhere in the region of $4k.

They also come with laser jammers front & rear but they're highly illegal & I don't recommend using them in any state... except mine :icon_ford:

Can't remember the name of the company I got mine from but I found them through a google search. They're in QLD & use modified Beltronics gear as well as some german mob for the jammer. I'll see if I can dig up a phone number or email addy :dontknow:

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I am not condoning speeding in any way whatsoever, I have been booked a couple of times and all I did was ask the question about the detectors. I know it is no defence, but what really annoys me is going home along a freeway at 3 am after shiftworking and not a car in sight, yet they get you for 122 in a 110...that sucks. But , I have learnt my lesson and the cruise control will be set at 110....no more. There is no way in the world they will get me doing 30 or 40 clicks over the limit.

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Benny, most if not all detectors will pick up laser but it's too late once you know. They only pick it up once you've been shot or if you're very lucky & pick up the scattered beam off another car which is highly unlikely :icon_ford:

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The choice is yours. Buy one and run the risk of getting caught = big fine and you loose a sh*t load of points


Be a law obiding driver

Pretty simple really

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  • F6+300+
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Law abiding my A$$>>>> In WA they will book you for doing 106km/h in a 100 zone. 6km over the limit is a fine and most Speedos are only accurate to within 10% so go figure!! Change your tire type or manufacturer and its out again. 99% of Speedo’s are not correct yet we get booked for doing 6km over.

I suppose you can drive around all day with your eyes glued to the Speedo watching out for any speed creep but hey who is going to watch the road then???

First these units are undetectable in Oz even to the Stalcar RDD’s

Secondly they have Laser shifters which Jam laser if used correctly and are turned on. They also use GPS to mark locations and to eliminate false alarms so they are ever so quiet and not like anything else on the market that beeps all day bloody long at ever petrol station or electric door you pass by.

You don’t need to a maniac hooning around the streets to “need” or use one of these. Next time your on your “Hands” free phone and you hang up ask yourself what speed were you doing whilst on the phone! I bet you can’t remember much at all about where you just drove and at what speed.

I suppose due to them being Banned in all states except WA most people are anti then because simply they cant use them. I would have no hesitation using mine in any state of Australia as its non detectable and remote mounted so unless you stripped the car down you would never know it was there, even with a RDD.

Not to mention they also alert you to Road works, Service vehicles such as Ambulance & Fire engines which gives you time to get the hell out of the way.

The cops can hide behind tree’s, Walls, signs or anything they can to Trap you doing 6km over, even take your speed from obscure angles which is illegal and give the wrong speed, book you and they get away with it. Being a law abiding citizen I’m sure you would take it on the chin and pay it!

This black duck will never go without one.

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There is a great feature in our Falcons, its called "Speed Alert", once you go over a pre-determined speed, it will chime at you.....

Pure genius I know, and it would appear it takes a even bigger genius to use it.

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