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Radar Detectors <merged Topic>


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KA is only for multinova. Escort's range is great for them. Just turn off x band as it's not used. The new Vitronic Poliscan is laser based so needs jamming as when you've detected it, it already has your speed.

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  • 1 year later...
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What arronm said, had mine for 3 years and love it.

We dont have detector dectectors here in NZ, cos legal here, so not sure if they are up to that challange?

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • Member For: 16y 7m 21d
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Radar detectors are still useful sometimes, but are fairly obsolete these days.

Previously, cameras and other speed detection equipment used radar (ie sound waves). Radar bounces all over the place, so is very easy to detect.

However, almost all of the current stuff is now laser based (ie light waves). That doesn't bounce around anywhere near as much, so is much harder to detect. And, if you do get some warning, it will only be a few seconds if you're lucky.

I have a Valentine One in my taxi and it usually gives me some warning for front-facing cameras.

However, most cameras are rear-facing - you'll get a warning as you go past one but it will be too late to slow down. The laser will be aimed down the road, away from the car, so you won't get any prior warning.

Valentine Ones are expensive here, so the cheaper option is to buy one from the US. Either get a secondhand one on eBay (make sure it's the right firmware version) or buy a new one and have it sent to you via Shipito.com (Valentine won't post them to Australia).

The suction cups kept falling off the windscreen so I sorted that out with a bit of Kwik Grip glue.

The really useful gadgetry to have is an ALG9 or ALPriority setup - http://www.radardetectors.com.au/alg9.html

My ALG9 setup has definitely saved me three times this year, two of which were on double-demerit weekends. Not cheap - you'll need around $2,000 to start with.

There are currently 35 fixed-location cameras. I have those locations saved on my TomTom GPS, and then have it set to make a warning sound when I get to within 250 metres of one of those locations.

The 30 traffic light intersection cameras don't use laser - they use a sensor in the road.

Whenever I go past one of the freeway fixed-location cameras that is active (the boxes are usually empty) everything goes off in my car. The Valentine One makes its bunch of noises, the TomTom is making police siren sounds and the ALG9 is also carrying on. Just a leeeeeeeeeeeeedle bit noisy in my car when it all goes off at once.

Edited by PhilMeUp
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