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Who Is A Criminal?

Mrs Jeturbo

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No one will really know till a car is crushed, that's like the impounding of hoon's cars. Im not a good driver, I have had over 10 warnings with atleast 4 of those times police at the house to explain that I had been spotted doing hooning activities. Near on 15 failing to maintian controll of vehicle fines, none of with incure points and if I remember correctly was only 140 odd dollars each, and lose of license 2 times with one having failin to maintain controll of vehicle, un registered un insured all in the one. Never had my car taken or even suspected to have it taken from me. More often than not I deserved these, but there are quite a few were it has been honest mistake. EG: I pulled out of a servo into trafic on grand junction road 4:30pm, there was water in the spoon drain, I had traction ON! and I gunned it and the back end jumped out about half a foot just after the rears went though the puddle, traction got involed and put the car back into place. 2 mins later I had the red and blue all over me. Said I fish tailed it down the road. My defence was it peak hour traffic and if I had fishtailed it the ass end would have taken out the cars in the inside lane...

I dont think they can just "take" cars and crush them, im sure there is months and months of paper work and legalities, if anything there are going to be some very annoyed finance companys out there finding out that the reason some 18yo defaulted on his new 80g hsv was because the police have it and he cant be f*cked paying for it any more. I dont think even the police have the right to take cars away that are underfinance, its against the law to sell a car in secured finance.

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You say it like you're proud Gloo?

I don't intend offence...but you deserve to have your car crushed. It's scenarios like yours that make legislators think there is a need to take such drastic measures.

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Queensland is not too bad. I was pulled over a fair bit in my crappy XE Fairmont. Not once in the XR6T, but I'm 100% sure they crush cars here too.

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Its all good tab and I see what you mean about my post, I reread it and it does come off that way, im not proud of the things I have done now that I look back on it, and yes I should have had my car taken, had it crushed, been fined, and had my license taken away for a very long time. But that wasnt the point of my post, it was more of a case to show that even if these laws are really in effect they obviously arnt straight cut, take cars all willy nilly, and that is half the problem. If they were, im sure there would have been more consaquenses *I spelt that so wrong :(*...

It should be made easyer. If you got priors in hooning in the last X amount of months, the cops should have the ability to just call a tow truck and have it taken to be crushed there and then. No f*cking around, no if's but's and maby's. Harsh but fair.

Its been almost 2 years scince my last offence, not that it changes anything but I just wanted to say it any way...

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Crushing cars is unfair and I am sure illegal under the consitution.

If you have 2 drivers that both "hoon" and get caught have different punnishments.

One is driving a brand new $70k F6 and the other a $70 EB Falcon, and the police want the cars crushed. Why is it fair that one gets a 1000% more fine for the same offence ?

The thing that really annoys me is that "Hoons" can be found guilty and punnished on the sayso of a cop.

There car is impounded and their license taken just because a cop accuses them of "hooning". They do not need any proof, they are caught, tried and executed then and there.

There is no longer a presumption of innocence or a right of appeal at the roadside.

You can bet that if the cops accuse the wrong person of Hooning and they decide to test these stupid antihooning laws, they will find that they are illegal and retarded. God help them if I get accudes fo hooning, as you will see me at every media outlet telling the public the truth about how stupid these laws are and that it is a typical media hype with a strong dose of knee jerk government reaction.

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I think the whole thing is just stupid as zap said u can have major issues with values of fines and so on.....

This problem isn't going to go away with more population on the road of course the deaths and injury and hooning statistics are going to go up, 25-30 years ago I don't believe many offenses were acted on rather a caution or a dressing down was done so statistics would be incorrect

The amount of stories my dad tells when he owned his worked eh police pull him over after something absolutely stupid and just basically call him a idiot don't let me catch you again and on your way.

So to my point I dont think crushing cars is the way to go we need more driver education and training maybe even raise the age limit of obtaining p's

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Police have gone from Enforcement to tax collecting. They should merge the SDRO (NSW) and the NSW Police together, as they are basicly doing the same thing.

It is no longer about police using their judgement anymore, it is out with the ticket book, here is your tax and on your way.

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Taken from Car Advice late 2007 NSW to crush hoons’ cars : Car Advice | News | Reviews

“The modified, loud and often illegal vehicles confiscated from car hoons will be smashed to pieces in our crash labs, the results filmed and analysed, and the wrecks shown to other young drivers as a warning,” Mr Iemma said.

“The RTA [Roads and Traffic Authority] will also use the unique tests to investigate the potential effects of certain modifications on overall crashworthiness and we’ll show the wrecks at education days for young drivers, or at other RTA presentations,” he added.

Police Minister David Campbell has added that the footage will also be publicly aired to deter would be offenders from participating in hoon behaviour.

“Video footage of these once-prized possessions being turned into splintered, twisted scrap will be the clearest message yet to hoons that we’re serious about stamping out their behaviour and saving lives in the process

This link suggests it is a law - Tough new anti-hoon laws for NSW : Car Advice | News | Reviews

This is what Iemma wanted to do, don't recall if it was passed, this was pretty much the last I heard on the topic as admittedly never heard of it being enforced. I also remember talk of Victoria doing something similar. I've heard but don't quote that there was talk of confiscating/crushing cars in the UK for simply being uninsured

It was talked up nicely to the media and made some ratings for the governemnt, but nonetheless was never introduced. A bit like all the promised freeways and new train lines for Sydney.

Again there are no car crushing laws in NSW.


Edited by Iconic Bionic
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