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Guest _Spin_

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I had idea`s of drifting off. For one I`ve always been insomniac to the highest degree.

There`s also reasons that made me think I`d drift off that don`t bare going into here.

However, the doc put the shunt in my arm, showed me what he was going to use and the next thing I knew a nurse was asking me how I like my coffee an hour later.

What I reckon, what I`m hoping, is that okay I`ve got sh!t going on day to day, pressure at work, sole parent etc and I stay on top of it just somehow. The crap they gave me has me running just below par and can`t see the forrest for the trees right now.

Which is about as much of my soul I care to bare on a forum.

Cheers to all for the positive comments and personal feedback.

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  • Member For: 20y 5m 23d
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I know its not a proper remedy, but smash sum berocca's and multi-vitamins down your throat each day till you start to feel better, they should help speed the recovery up and re-gain those lost good bits your feeling low on.

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  • Member For: 17y 6m 13d
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  • Location: Broady, Melbourne

I've been under a few times myself. The worst reaction I experienced was after a 5 hour op. I couldn't stop throwing up yellow bile. I remember coming in and out of consciousness on the way up from recovery. I chucked up in recovery, in the lift and back in my bed a few times. General anaesthetic is quite harsh on the body. I'm sure I've read that it can take months for the body to fully recover from it although I don't know how true that actually is.

Glad to hear you're feeling better.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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when they make you fast before the operation is usually when you feel sick due to chemicals going through your system and tubes down your throat, and with nothing in your stomach your body is only processing the medication so you feel sick and want to vomit when you wake up.

You will usually find in an emergency op. when you don't fast, you probably wont feel as sick if you had food in your stomach...

Anesthetic can give many reactions, depends on what type and how long you have it, and on the individual... some people even experience hair loss.

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