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Guest _Spin_

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On Wednesday I went under an anesthestic for a proceedure. I was knocked out, but still breathing for myself.

I was out for about an hour. I was told take it easy, can`t return to work etc..

Pffft, I still act and think like a teenager despite turning 47 next month. I didn`t return to work that day though I wanted too, but I did get in the car and drive to the city to see about crap for my car, I was okay. Didn`t sleep for sh!t wednesday night or since but that's nothing new. Worked thursday and friday. 6 - 5 as is the current norm.

Since then, I`m comletely fvcked over tired and weak..

But this black dog has come and sat beside me ( depression ) and I can`t shake it.

Without putting too fine a point on it its pretty friggin dark eh.

Anyone shed any light?

I keep fvcking things up too..

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  • flame magnet
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it can take a few weeks to totally dissipate from the body. the deppression thing is a toughy though. ive suffered from depression for years, and am on a mild antidepressant to try to even out the ups and downs a bit.

I would recommend going straight to the doctor and talking about it. even if its only temporary, dont suffer without doing something about it. its no fun for your family, and its no fun for you.

dont view it as a 'weakness' either, that's a common one....

if you had a broken arm, youd get it sorted, and depression is as real an ailment as a broken arm.....

one of the best reliefs for when your down is acknowledging that it is only TEMPORARY and you WILL feel better.

chin up dude :omg:

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  • ʎǝʞuoɯ ɹoıuǝs
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its usually just a matter of time before you come good again, if you still feel depressed after a month to two months then see a doctor.

I recently had my wisdom teeth under general anesthetic, and had to take plenty of codeine afterwards. The come down from the surgery + codiene was awful and left me feeling very depressed, lazy and I was making mistakes and snapping at everyone including my wife and child, which is very unlike me.

I was fortunate in someways that I could recognize it as a withdrawal type symptom, and slowly became myself again.

I hope you feel better mate, don't be too hard on yourself. Its quite normal AND ok to have the sh*ts, what your body has gone through is pretty hardcore, and the doctors don't tell you about this side of it.

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  • Hitting the apex
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drink plenty of water to try flush the crap out and see how you feel in a week or two

Do you eat right? that can affect you also when your system is down

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  • loitering with intent
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I've been under a few times and luckily for me the only side effect I experienced was waking up absolutely ravenous, I igress however.

I'm not sure about the link between going under and that black dog that follows you around ATM. See how you go for a few weeks and if you are not feeling any better within yourself , speak to your GP and get a referal to a Psychologist, as there maybe some underlying issue.

There is absolutely no shame in seeking professional assistance. Depression in men is very widespread and under reported, resulting in a lot of men and their families suffering when treatment is readily available.

This site is a great resource

beyondblue: the national depression initiative?

hoping you get it all sorted mate

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I don`t drink, smoke or drug I`m not the complete health food Nazi I once was but I do eat well.

My job is fairly active, rediculously so at times and I exercise.

I certainly don`t act 47 and if I dyed my hair I wouldn`t look it either.

I`m not exactly what you`d call happy go lucky at the best of times but jeeez, its like if you get crook and you can think of the precise thing you eat that made you ill.

I`m like that with the anesthetic.

In a modern world we all have issues to deal with, I certainly do.

its like I`ve decended into this mist, I`m telling myself pull up! pull up! like the warning system in a airliner but the controls don`t respond.

It`s really arse...

However as Frankie Howerd used to say: " I don`t contemplate suicide, I contemplate murder "

Edited by _Spin_
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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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had one a couple weeks ago for my ankle.

tube down my throat and all that....

I vomit for 24 hours after....

then feel reaL DOWN FOR ABOUT A WEEK.... it should pass... like the blokes have said... drink plenty of water....and eat healthy fruits n veg n iron foods like red meat.

you shouls be fine after that.

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Guest XR09
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I forget the clinical term for it. Basically drug residue.

Good food, good exercise and good Friends. Taken three times a day with liberal doses of laughter.

Kick the dog, slap the attitude and look at the great things and people around you.

Let everything else deal with itself.

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had one a couple weeks ago for my ankle.

tube down my throat and all that....

I vomit for 24 hours after....

then feel reaL DOWN FOR ABOUT A WEEK.... it should pass... like the blokes have said... drink plenty of water....and eat healthy fruits n veg n iron foods like red meat.

you shouls be fine after that.

That is sort of like having an allergic reaction to the drug, my father used to do the same and when I had surgery I mentioned it to the anethesist. They pretty much give you something like Maxalon to stop the vomiting and illness(what they can give morphine and pethadine intolerent people prior to giving the shots to stop them from being sick).

Alot of people feel tired etc though after the surgery as alot of people do not use narcotics on a regular basis. Me I feel 'THE BEST' when waking.

I think I remember the first time being put to sleep, the words were something like- "Ahhh, that's the shi..." Gooooooone

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