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Hole In The Tank


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20 !!! Yikes - suddenly I feel a 'hole' lot better... geddit! I'm not babying my car and every now and again I take 'er out to 4.5 - 5K in the gears as per running in procedures. It has been very hot over here in the wine state so she can feel a little flat in the heat. Also being an auto may make a difference.

off subject a little. Anyone experienced a loud 'crack' sound coming from the dash. both sides seem to do it. Its done it about 6-7 times now. Does not seem to tie in with road bumps or corners. almost like there are joints in the air ducts that move with temperature. or summink...

cheers to the group.

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  • Member For: 22y 1m 6d
  • Location: South Brizzy

Yeah, I've heard the dash noise a few times aswell, but not as loud. It only seems to happen when the car is left out in the sun. I think (which doesn't count for much) it is the crash pad expanding in the heat. When I drive off and the car flexes the pad settles in again. I've pushed down on it towards the outer edges and that also settles it.

I suppose you have to expect some thermal expansion at 40+ degrees inside a car over summer.

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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It only seems to happen when the car is left out in the sun. I think (which doesn't count for much) it is the crash pad expanding in the heat. When I drive off and the car flexes the pad settles in again. I've pushed down on it towards the outer edges and that also settles it.

I suppose you have to expect some thermal expansion at 40+ degrees inside a car over summer.

I hope it *isn't* the car flexing.....

I suspect it is temperature related as mentioned and something is contracting once your A/C cools it down.....

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  • Member For: 22y 1m 6d
  • Location: South Brizzy

Sorry, when I said flex I mean the slight chassis twist when you drive off a gutter or similar.

Speaking of flex I had a tempory company car (VR exec.) which need a windscreen replacement. The repair guy pulled the windscreen when the car wasn't on level ground. It flexed that much the new screen wouldn't fit until the car was moved to flat ground! The screen adds more structual support than most realise. Sorry a bit off the topic :ermm:

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Guest librandragon
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Receiving 14.9 on premium unleaded, that doesn't bother you when you don't pay for fuel. :P

Yes, I too hear the dash noise in the heat. :rolleyes:

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