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Tying Down Sportsbikes In Fg Utes


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  • Member For: 17y 25d

Hey all, I basically bought my ute to take my sports bike to the track. I was wondering if I need to add any tie down points or a channel for the front wheel to make this work the best? I will be going long distances (~1000km's at times) with the bike(s) in so it will have to be well secured.

I haven't tried yet but I could probably tie one bike in ok with what's already available standard tie down point wise but two might require some magic :icon_ford: and I want the flexibility of taking two bikes without dramas.

the other thing is the ute is lowered an inch with blocks, would I have to take them out or should it be fine like that? I don't mind either way, I need function over looks otherwise it defeats the purpose of me having it lol...

any info would be appreciated :turboboink:

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Suspension should be fine. I'd add 3 bike rails (square u-shaped alloy or aluminium) bolt them down tight. you'll need 3 so you can have one bike in the centre, or if your carrying 2, one on each side. I always found it better to have the bikes on a bike specific trailer. We added a wind shield to the trailer and it kept the bikes clean, and gave us something to lock the biked to (we had 6 locking points per bike). The ute will be fine. I'm not sure about FG's but the Ba we used we had 4 eyelets, one on each corner.

Edited by mattyb
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Hey mate,

The extra tie down points topic at the top of the ute section is pretty much aimed at bikes really. I added my points for taking 2 motoX bikes on the back. When I only have one on I put it in on an angle so I can close the tailgate thou, otherwise when there are 2 I lash the gate up as far as possible. Also if you search you will find old topics that have the fraud kit and other peoples DIY jobs.

I agree with matty that if you doing long distance with 2 I would want wheel blocks and the front just to be safe, when on an angle its jammed in the corner and against a side so it not really an issue then.

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Guest XR09
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Ive had to run a lot of bikes around on my old ute. Just behind the rear window I had a sailboats main sheet runner. It was a one tonner with a flat bed.

I could easily add another block if I was doing three.

Remember just relax and look at the top of the ramp and that's where the bike will go. Whether your pushing or riding it up.

Edited by XR09
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  • Member For: 17y 25d

Thanks for the info!

I'll give it a test run this weekend and see how it ties up with the standard points just with my bike.

I'll look in to putting some channels up the front for long trips, I found some pics of other peoples setup I'll most likely just mimmick that!

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