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How To Hear The Bov


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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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stop being a cock... its a work car, get over it... if u want a toy ... GO BUY ONE!!!!

gay noise get people defected, and its even gayer when its just noise... no performance behind it... u want work to ask you why its car has a defect for susspicion of a blow off valve???

ill say it time and time again... u get good noise from performance and more boost and vise versa, if its standard... no one thinks your cool by making it go tshhhhh... so pull your head in and drive it like a work car until u can afford something urself!

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Big call, I dont think he is really into +300kw. He just wants a bit of fun with his work car that doesnt come at a huge cost or engine damage. Dude just buy a BOV who cares what people here say about taking the BOV out etc.

Heres my advice:

*Do what the girl says buy a toy if you want a toy.

on the other hand

*If you just want a lil fun with your standard work car so that you can hear the BOV then buy one. However you have the pain of taking it out each service.

If I was you I would just leave it standard mate, your work gave you the car for a reason. Just buy a toy.

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  On 16/02/2010 at 1:53 PM, matsfgxr6turbo said:

then why does every manufacturer put a bov on turbo engines then genius to protect the commpressor wheel from back pressure when the throttle is shut and to improve the turbo spool time between gears its not jut there to make a ricer sound for losers.

Go and have a read of the Nizpro forum where Simon gives a good description on the subject. And not all manufacturers use Blow off valves either.

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IMO Bovs are mainly installed on factory cars to quieten them down... Could you imagine an old man/lady buying a turbo car and evrytime they backed off it fluttered/dosed? Theyd bring the car in every time wondering "I think theres something wrong with my car, its making funny noises"..

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Its an emission thing over a protecting the turbo thing. The regs say that no air can vent to atmosphere so that air has to be recirculated, also I assume manufacturers put recirculating BOV to reduce noise pollution as the fultter sound is not appealing to most drivers.

On the emissions side, it mainly affects cars with MAF sensors (alot use these) which without a BOV would get a false reading when the air rushes through it backwards (because the sensor doesn't understand flow direction, just flow).

Hence when the sensor senses increased flow when the throttle is shut it will dump more fuel in the mix, that is why you see black smoke out of the exhaust on gear changes on some turbo cars.

As for the Falcon, it uses a MAP sensor so a BOV is not needed for the above reason, I can only guess its for noise only.

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agreed. with kika & Benji, also some of the air coming out of the bov can contain oil from blow by

Maybe on old turbos with average bearings etc but these days there not neccessary. How many users on here have done 10s of thousands of km's with no bov with no problems and how many have blown turbos from sh*tty oil in the filter.

Edited by henz
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  On 17/02/2010 at 5:34 AM, matsfgxr6turbo said:

So which manufacturer doesn't use a blow off valve on a turbo car that was built post 1990?

Have you looked under the bonnet of the latest Landcruiser or Hilux?

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Well I guess it would really depend on the boost your running to whether it would damage the turbo or not. The higher the boost without a BOV the more likely you are to damage the turbo's compressor. Or at least that's what I can figure out, and jet engine planes even have BOV of sorts, (usually bleed bands things like that) and when they compressor surge by the bleed band not catching it, it is really bad and can cause a huge amount of damage.

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