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Big Problems Ba Turbo


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  • Member For: 16y 7m 15d

Its happened a few times now the first time I had done a decent skid and after cruising for a bit the engine light come on for a few seconds then went away and done this twice and was still driving good a few days later the next time the engine light come on it stayed on and I was just driving normal this time and the car then seemed to be in limp mode and didnt want to rev and was mis firing massivly and when I switched motor it off I started it and was normal its done the limp mode thing to me twice now I have done a bit of work to it, it has been flashed and mods include 3" intake behind headlight front mount bov bigger injectors and is running a 10psi tune it still has factory exhaust centre muffler removed the car has not been retuned with these mods I am doing a full exhaust soon the cat was rattling but not anymore though so it might be blocked slightly I was thinking it might be the 02 sensor getting heated up due to the cat blockage and causing it to get into limp mode but any help would be greatly appreciated

Edited by andrewx19x
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  • Sucker
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So did you get it checked at all after the engine light came on the first few times?

PS: Full stops are your friend

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Yeah dude, punctuation makes it so much easier to read.

Engine light, do you mean MIL? Just as a matter of prudence look at your oxygen sensor, this or it's wiring getting fried can cause this to happen (by some idiot failing to secure it in the workshop).


Reason for edit:

P.S. yes, that idle in the picture is not normal either.

Edited by White Knight
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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Its happened a few times now the first time I had done a decent skid and after cruising for a bit the engine light come on for a few seconds then went away and done this twice and was still driving good.

A few days later the next time the engine light come on it stayed on and I was just driving normal this time and the car then seemed to be in limp mode and didnt want to rev and was mis firing massivly.

When I switched motor it off I started it and was normal. Its done the limp mode thing to me twice now I have done a bit of work to it.

It has been flashed and mods include 3" intake behind headlight front mount bov bigger injectors and is running a 10psi tune it still has factory exhaust centre muffler removed.

The car has not been retuned with these mods.

I am doing a full exhaust soon the cat was rattling but not anymore though so it might be blocked slightly.

I was thinking it might be the 02 sensor getting heated up due to the cat blockage and causing it to get into limp mode but any help would be greatly appreciated

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:spoton: I nearly passed out reading all that, anyone read it all in one breath? :beerchug:

as for problem..sounds serious..

Edited by osonvs
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  • Member For: 16y 10m 15d
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This used to happen in my ba.

I found that it only ever happend if I bounced of the limiter a few times during traction issues, but as you said it sounded like it had droped a cylinder or 2, miss fired like crazy and struggled to rev. I took it to a workshop and they said it could be a few things.

Number one idea was valve springs, they rekon I may have got some valve float while under WOT and put the car into limp mode. But I seemed to think it wasnt limp mode. It ran like sh*t, almost sounded like a milo tin hanging off the back of a soobie but very inconsistent tone.

After a heavy run, they said the heat in the engine could be affecting the coils and causing some to not spark.

Things to note, my engine light never come on, and my car was stock. Hope this info helps.

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