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Dominellos Built 4 Speed


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I currenty got the same built 4 speed box built from dominellos with 3000rpm stally in my ba xr6t.... first one destroyed in the first week, second one lasted 6-8 months and it failed sent it back down to him and said no warrenty and was not every happy, currently on the 3rd gearbox built from him and I still do not trust it... this is just my experence with, hopefully you have a better run than :)

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T400 is basically a 3 speed 4l80e. They can be built very strong, but are also a parasitic box and have no overdrive.

I've just received a custom bellhousing to mate a 4l65e (a modern 4 speed version of the TH350) to the Barra. It will retain the lockup converter.

Conversion should begin in the next few weeks. I'll do a write up when we get around to it.

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Straughsberry yes no overdrive and the final gear being 1:1, there is ways around this being a Gear Vender or change the Diff Gears but I do Not agree on the parasitic part if you are meaning sucking power, read the reviews and comparing the BTR and the T400 yes the T400 is about 4% more loss but the proof is in the driving, the Stall has some factors too but the Ute is a ANIMAL now, feels 30% stronger and quicker but the test will be when she hits the strip !! The other major factor after being let down 6 times is reliability !!

Mate I DID want a 4 spd (that's why we gave it 6 trys on the built BRT) and only found 1 guy that would warrant 700 hp 4l65e but that is where I am now and she is going to be turned up more so not wanting to be on the limit went the T400, we have already talked about that but got a lot of negative feedback on the 4 spd box and the builder. Hope it works for you Mate, I really do !! Keep Us All Posted.

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hey mate I am myself right now getting a btr gearbox build by dominello transmission he garanteed me that it would handle 400kw at d wheels, I only want to run say 330kw at the wheels,now you got me thinking mabey I sould save up more cash an do what you have done, how long did your last btr box last an when was it build,aparently he has been having great success with the btrs that he has build within the last 12 months

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@blow off: 6 BTR's - damn! But No doubt about it, the TH400 can be built very tough. The thing that put me of was lack of overdrive. Diff ratios goes part way to solving that and would be a good in between option. GVOD is an option too but you then get the shift timing issue when you have to shift out of the OD and shift up the trans. I saw some vids of it and it put me off. Especially for the $$$. I chose the 65 because for now, it fits the daily driver target I'm aiming for. Thanks for the well wishes. My personal experience with the builder has been nothing but good so I'm going by that. Glad to hear you have your setup well sorted. Keep us posted.

@CCCC: My BTR is still shifting like well done chips. Been holding 350+ rwkw for about 2 years now but without any dragging. If the builder is giving you a warranty to 400rwkw and that fits your requirements, go for it. If you don't plan on doing too much 1/4 mile work, I think a well built BTR will hold mid to high 300's with decent reliability for a couple of years if you look after it. Me wanting to run about 750-850rwhp with the new motor, I had to find something else and one of my build parameters is "daily driver". So I wanted a box with OD. I am being told the 65e should be good for about 800 rwhp on the track and 1000+ on the dyno. We will see. There is a little R&D to do I'm sure. If things turn south with the box, Either a TH400 or PG will be on the cards. I might even look at a 4l80e. Basically a TH400 with OD. It is a big unit.

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well I join in here as well lol, as I have mentioned before I have a jatco RE4R03A which is a 3spd manualised with an electric overdrive and 3500 lock up convertor built by KEAS transmissions. Paul KEAS and justin from blacktrack worked together and developed the trans and has been in my car since october. KEAS rated the box to 800-900hp it has been through 5 drag meets, 1 powercruise (full 3 days at Sydney) and been daily driven without a problem and my car has been making 400rwkw.

the great thing about this is that the overdrive allows the car to cruise on the freeway sittin on 100kph@2000rpm and I have driven it many times from newcaslte to bateman's bay to see family and not a single problem and easily on 1 tank of fuel.

cheers mitch

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yeah dat- details plz? as im shortly gonna need to get something to handle 350- 400rw killawasps.

cheers :beerchug:

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