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E85 Tune

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are they nizpro 72lb injectors?

Not sure.

Previous onwner had done the mods. From what I believe these are laser drilled.

Dyno tune has everthing working as it should. No issues.

If you have easy access to E85, Hoppers or Chelt. I would recommend doing it if you are looking to gain more power cheaply ie dyno time only.

I was hoping one day to have 300 at the treads and to get there I was going to have to do something with intake and exhaust. At this point they stay standard.


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right cool, although 18:1 is what diesels run, but it would be higher no doubt. I guess I just didn't think fuel with less energy could make more power, even if the disadvantage of a petrol engine is overcome

Heya Dash,

It's the same with Methanol, back in the mid-90's in the old Republic when I still actively participated in drag-racing. Methanol (as with E85) has a significantly lower calorific value compared to PULP, but what it allows you to do, due to the higher octane-rating, and resultant increasing resistance to detonation (higher octane = better detonation prevention), it allows you to significantly increase (advance) timing at the same boost/rpm levels, yielding better torque at that point, all else being equal.

The only caveat, as you have touched upon, is the volume requirements - lower calorific value dictates more fuel burned to attain the same power produced, so relative economy takes a turn for the worse.

If we consider a hypothetical example:

Let's say PULP has a calorific value of 1

E85 has a calorific value of 0.5

It means that at the same HP levels, all else being equal, you will require 2x as much fuel to reach that specific power level. Factors like better spark-advance et al will slightly assist E85 to be more economical. It does however allow higher power-output potential by preventing detonation if you were on the detonation threshold with PULP under the same conditions.

So, ultimately, at the same spark-advance, you could run higher boost with E85 vs PULP.

For the sake of this explanation, PULP =98RON.

Mmmm....the ramblings of a madman.Apologies for the long winded explanation.

Edited by MrBean
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Great Explanation Beany :dontknow:

As I've said before in certain threads about E85 a couple of my mates run it and we worked out the taking in to consideration the lower cost of E85, but the higher consumption rate, the running cost actually works out within 10c per tank across a year. This was done about 6 months ago, but you get what I mean.

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Ah, no worries Pat :)

Would be nice to have an E85 tune for those rare occasions you'd like to scare the panties of a Expensive Daewoo driver..soz Dagz......at least you wear Boxers...:bowdown:

Interesting your calculations though!

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yep- since my ethanol tune my economy has worsened 1.5L per 100kms. but ethanol is 99c per L compared to $1.25- $1.45 for 98ron.

10c more a tank- 20rwkw extra....... I'm not going back! :bowdown:

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You should be using roughly 30% more fuel with E85 compared to PULP. Also, it's not just the higher octane rating which makes more power, even though E85 has less energy per volume of fuel compared to PULP once you factor in the stoichiometric air/fuel ratio of E85 which is around 9.7:1 vs 14.7:1 for PULP, it actually releases more energy per volume of air....

There is a united petrol station on tapleyhills road


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Yep, because you run it significantly richer than PULP, as you have indicated - but this all make for a significant higher consumption, so:

1.More time spent at the bowser

2.Approxiately same cost per km

3.excluding the fact that you need larger injectors, fuel-pump, if using the same fuel-pressure

Ideal would be to have a 85-95 liter tank installed, to run the same distance between fill-ups.

Then, only remaining issue is to deal with the hydroscopic nature of the beast - the only deterrent for me at this point.

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Ethanol in petrol is a good thing for servos, as the hydroscopic nature of it means that they can sell the water contamination in their tanks, at bowser price, and not have to pay to get rid of it from storage tanks :crybaby:

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Here is a link, although from a vovo forum, that has more than enough info on E85. WRX forums have heaps too.

We are in extreme infancy and knowledge here in Australia.

These guys have been doing this for years.

It makes for some interesting reading and brain swell just from trying to digest it all.


Converting to E85 (ethanol fuel) - Turbobricks Forums

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