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Help! Doors Wont Lock!


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  • XR68UZ
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  • Member For: 19y 25d
  • Location: Sydney

hey guys im having a problem with my cars door locks. I cleaned the carpets last night and there was a fair bit of moisture in the car which may have gotten into the electrics. everything was fine this morning, except my cluster lcd display was playing up.

I took it out and let it dry and all was good, however now I cannot lock my doors.

when the key is switched to "on", the door ajar light comes on and if I go to lock the car, the doors unlock by themselves and I hear 8 quick beeps.

I have noticed there is a whirring noise coming from the passenger side door when I try to lock the doors. I have also found some corrosion in the drivers side actuator plug.

Any ideas on what I should do? ive tried contact cleaner on all the door plugs, and really dont want to take it to ford because I dont like extortion.

im thinking either the door actuators needs replacing (perhaps both drivers and passenger?) or the BEM module has got water in it and the door ajar function is playing up (I have cleaned the BEM with contact cleaner as well).

I should mention that all doors do lock, but they just unlock on their own ><

also with the door ajar light, does that only come on when the key is switched to on? or should it be on when a doors open even if there is no key in the ignition?

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  • XR68UZ
  • Donating Members
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  • Location: Sydney

ok ive just checked the service manual and have narrowed it down to one of three

BEM related

-Door Ajar input faulty

Faulty Door actuator

Water ingress into connectors of door


now ive found a BEM from mr.fpv on ebay which im hoping to get.

is there anyway to pinpoint which door is causing the problem (if indeed it is a door problem)?

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  • Sucker
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Definitely sounds like an actuator is rooted, and just coincidence that it's happened now.

I wouldn't go replacing BEMs or anything just yet!

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  • XR68UZ
  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 19y 25d
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hmm perhaps. if it is just an actuator that would be awesome. the left one is definately making a noise (like a whirring everytime I press the lock button).

anyway to find out which one for certain?

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  • Sucker
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Have a search mate as it's a common problem, I'd say if the passenger actuator is whirring then it'd be the culprit.

When you lock the car, if one door doesn't lock properly they will all then unlock and sound the horn.

Here’s a few threads to get you started...





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  • XR68UZ
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  • Member For: 19y 25d
  • Location: Sydney

thanks for the links. I did read through those but my case still has some irregularities I forgot to mention.

when trying to see if the BEM module was broken, I noticed the door locks only stopped functioning when I pulled out the green connector. however looking through the service manual the green connector doesnt seem to have any relation to the central locking system.

also with the door ajar light, does that only come on when the ignition is turned to on? or should it come on even if there is no key in the ignition.

also in the period between when the doors are locked and then unlocked, I have checked all the doors and they are all locked.

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If the gear in the actuator is rooted the other doors "normally" lock, but as I have posted elsewhere if the micro switch is stuffed in one of the actuators the doors will lock and unlock at intervals.

That whirring sound is definately the motor free wheeling as the gear is probably broken.

Useless f*cking cheap sh*t gears...

To diagnose which door is locking and unlocking the others just disconnect then one by one and see

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  • XR68UZ
  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 19y 25d
  • Location: Sydney

the problem im having is the doors will not stay locked. they will lock, but then it will say a door is open and all doors will unlock themselves. would this still be an actuator problem?

they dont lock or unlock themselves randomly, only when I go to lock it do they unlock by themselves (with the horn beeping the door open warning).

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