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Paint Effects


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  • RUS531
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  • Member For: 18y 6m 14d
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  • Location: Emerald QLD

Hi All,

I have a freshly soda blasted rocker cover on its way up for me and was looking for some suggestions in regards to paints. I have things that are already painted a really dark grey almost black metallic under the hood so I was thinking I will stick to this shade but I want something that looks different. I used to know this website that you could buy paints that had effects through them like swirls and sharp looking shapes but stuffed if I know what they are called or where to find them now.

The other option is getting something airbrushed but from where I am there is no one that is real good at it.

If you know what this paint is called please pass it on, or even if you's have ideas, suggestion or hints I would love to hear them.



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Hey Buddy.... How did you go withe General Panel works???

I have a mate here in Rock that does some great air brushing.. Unfortunately I am in a bit of a hurry this morning and this is the only link that I could find... Airbrushing Rockhampton - O'Ryan Signs and Designs - Airbrushing Rockhampton

He is a great bloke and he has alot of talent... Give him a call and tell him that Brad Miners sent you...

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I used a site years ago to supply me some paints and mixers, for candy and cyrstal effect style paints. I ordered the colour last week I'm using on my rocker cover, thermostat, and computer cover. Isn't cheap, about $100 a litre before clear and undercoat. I'm trying to decide wat stencil I want to use before I buy one to do my rocker cover. The site for the paint I'm using and my stencil is

DNA® Custom Paints & Finishes

I ordered a candy colour for the rocker, and wanted a plasma grey for my rims, the grey I was looking at for my rims would look awesome on your rocker cover. I'm doing a a stencil in the paint finish, so should look sweet, hopefully.

Edited by mattyb
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  • RUS531
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  • Member For: 18y 6m 14d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Emerald QLD

Thanks for the info guys,

Yeah that panel shop is a joke. They put the had the wrong window in it when I picked it up so I had to leave mine there. Now I'm on 5on 2off roster I can't get there unless its on a friday arv or a saturday. They all leave at around 2 friday and don't open saturday. And they didn't even offer any suggestions to help out, I wouldn't be in this mess if they had done the right thing in the first place. So I'm going to get someone to pick up my window tomorrow hopefully, and I'm coming over tomorrow arv and staying the night in rocky before going to gladstone on saturday. I'm over the service of these idiots and am going to fit the window myself.

Thanks for the Link Matty, these are the people I was looking for.

O know of this O'ryan fella and have the same things about him too. He makes the stickers for Utez.com, the ute club I'm in, and has done some great work for some of our members. I've been meaning to give him a call... maybe its time.

The rocker cover turned up today and its the perfect blank canvas :buttrock:

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