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  • Member For: 17y 18d
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  • Location: Sunshine Coast, QLD


Both my tail lights went out the other day without warning at the same time, I don't have an owners manual and the in car fuse box lid didn't have a diagram of the fuses, so I decided to just check all the 10s in the box. After going through them all they were all in excelent condition. I started the car up and was taking it to the mechanic when I realised all the following problems had just arisen.

-The intermediate level of my windscreen wipers doesn't work but the rest of the speeds do

-The radio doesnt turn off when I turn the car off and take the keys out, but it turns off when I start the car

-The passanger side power window control doesnt work, but it still goes down with the driver side control

-Air conditioning doesnt even register on the ICC and the fan doesn't work

Seeing as I took 1 fuse out at a time then replaced it, surely its highly unlikely I got 4 wrong so I can't see that being the issue. The problem with the tail lights was the brake light switch which is all fixed and working.

If anyone has any ideas that I can check before I take it to the mechanic in the next few days that would be fantastic

Edited by Mitch
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Hey Mitch,

I can only relate to your Air con/fan on the ICC not registering at all. Now what happened for me was a towed a sh**ty trailer which then proceeded to blow my reverse light fuse which for no apparent reason stopped the air con/fan from showing up or working.

The only idea I can give you is to make sure car is off and key out and go through again one at a time all the fuses and you might find more than one or just one blown. Also go through the fuse box under the bonnet.

If that don't work then ya got some other issue.

Hope that helps,


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