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I Think I Have Esp Or Something


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Actually, I think there's more to the human mind than science can explain. Once I was thinking of blasting my car down a dark street 'empty' at night, but something inside me warned me not to do it.

As I cruised down the street at 50, a guy and his broken down car (with no headlights) appeared in view, and I just managed to brake and swerve around him. Had I flogged the car, things would've turn out much worse.

I always wonder about this stuff because heaps of times you can get a weird feeling that stops you from doing something and later it turns out you were saved from some bad situation. But then I think about all the times you get that feeling and nothing comes of it. So it could just be a selective way of looking at things because we conveniently ignore all the times there was just another ordinary outcome. I sometimes get freaked out when my wife knows Ive done something wrong, she can kind of sense it, but then again she always thinks ive done something wrong, so shes gotta be right some of the time!

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well put it to the test today.....could of cost me $150 to find out, but time will tell...

I'm outside cleaning the fg...when this guy pulls ups...Gets out of the car an introduces himself to me.....I say like man do I know you???? He says no....and starts to tell me...that he is from melbourne..went on a driving holiday to sydney..then qld..was there for 2 days and drove back today.....When at hornsby ..he stops buys something to eat...he drives off forgetting his wallet...when he remembers goes back to the shop...but its gone....(rang police to report it)

He hasn't any momey to buy fuel to return to melbourne....I talk to him a little and say well I will give you some banking details...ring up someone in melbourne and get them to do a eft..and I will give you the cash..Rings up his dad...dad can't eft..so what do I do....

Mean while he tells me he has been crying in the car and asking god to take him to someone who will help him....and he ends up at my place.....the big guy must like me or something..lol

Cut along story short I give him $150...don't take any details as he didn't have his wallet..and if he was going to con me...would give me wrong details anyway...I believe this was geniune and felt great about giving him the money...So lets see what happens....btw his car did have vic plates.

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My ESP says you have been conned and have lost $150

Unfortunatly, I would not have put the same amount of trust in a stranger.

He tried the old "pray to god" crap and you were taken hook line and sinker.

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Here is an offer for you...

Ill put up 150$... no 500$ - nar FARK IT... $1000.00 pick you up in the Toy'ota and take you to the Casino...

If you double my money - anything that follows is 50/50...

Fair deal?


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yeah I hear ya...zap....wouldn't be surprised one little bit....

But a few things he didn't have an amount in his head....when he spoke to me.....and only really wanted money for enough fuel to get home...which he said was about 2 tanks..so $100 should be enough...though he might get hungry driving 10 hours..so gave him an extra $50....lmao

I felt he wasn't a con man.....believe I will see the money...lets wait and see....

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  • Sucker
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Good on ya Nick. Maybe you did get shafted but you'd like to think if you were in the same predicament that someone would be kind enough to do the same


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thank you tab.....some of us still have a heart...

Btw the god thing...was only brought up after I said I would help him...He thought my generosity was from a christian....as his beliefs were strong...

Don't know if I will get my money back...but I do strongly believe his story.....You could see the fear in his face....$150..isn't going to change mine or his life....Wish him a safe trip home...

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I supose you got to think what 150 bucks is really worth to you, (other than 150 bucks of course) but I mean, what were you going to do with it. If you had 150 to spair then you probably wouldnt have worried about how you spent it and will have ment nothing in the long run. But it could be one of those moments were that man remembers the kindness you had forever. Its moments like these you need minties , I mean in all fairness you did a good thing and even though you didnt do it for the fame good on you. You deserve a pat on the back.

But I still think you got screwed over.

Any way, do I get a thank you now? :buttrock:

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