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Sedan Diff Oil Change


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I want to change the oil in my Diff. I was looking around the forum and found the topic about the diff on the ute. Can someone tell me if the pic of the diff for the ute is the same as the sedan for filling and emptying. If not has someone got a pic? Can it be done just using a jack?



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I am after the same information, wanting to change the diff fluid the a BA MKII sedan any pointers or guides? I heard there is a rubber gromit in the spare wheel well on the MKII to fill it up from, is this correct?

thanks guys

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Ok, Is fairly easy job, I used a 1 litre bottle of diff oil in a plastic hand pump cyclinder (I used Nulon stuff bout 60 bucks for 2l)

I had to use a few extensions and a large think it was 22mm socket (but not too sure) to undo the large inlet bolt at the back of the diff.

There isnt very much room to do it in the sedans and I have a BF MK1 and no easy access hole to fill it up :(. I just jacked the car up and did it with a hand pump.

Should take about 1 hr to but I let it drain out overnight then refilled it the next morning.

Oh I forgot to empty the oil you have to undo the bottom diff bolt to let the oil come out.

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Okay I`ve wanted to do this for a while. I had to get my tools out to fix a fuel leak in Bullpitts car so I thought why not?

I used: An inch and three sixteenths ( 1 - 3/16 ) socket, half inch drive ratchet for the filler plug.

A 15 mm Ring - open ender for the drain bolt

A suction pump to put the oil in ( see pics)

I put the car up on jack stands, it has SSL`s and even my spoofy lowered car ramps won`t go under the rear on flat ground. Next time I`ll do it on the slope of the driveway and get the diff more level. On the stands it wasn`t too bad but a smidge of oil stays in the diff. No biggie.

First pic shows what you`re up against with sedan versus Ute.. That barge arse IRS cradle. Access is restricted somewhat.


Next pic shows you the Filler plug, mine was`nt real tight at all eh. As stated it was 1-3/16`s socket.


The drain bolt is obviously at the bottom of the diff rear hat, that's the alloy cover, and it seems to be the only one that's 15mm, the others are smaller. Whip that out and have your receptcle handy. It`s only 2 litres or so so it doesn`t roar out.

Go check the forums for some internet argueing while it drips out for a while, beverage or sanga would be optional.

Here`s what I bought for the job. The oil was.. I forget how much you`ll have your brand you`ll wanna use. The suction pump is a famous Toledo ( says so on the box eh ) brand and cost me the princely sum of 29.99 at Supercheap.


Now.. I poured what came out into a milk bottle, I put that amount back in with the suction pump, it didn`t run out the filler hole but I inserted my lil finger ( settle ) and it was right there. If you wanna put a tad more in and have it run out by all means be my guest. Here`s what came out, it wasn`t too black, it`s just the residue of oil changes past and grass and sh!t from the drain pan sitting behind the shed.


Put every thing back on the way it was when you removed it, including the diff tag. One day in 40 years some hapless schmuck will be restoring you car and thank his lucky stars its there. Maybe. :blink:

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Just done this job and the filler plug is actually 29mm.

It will make a lot more sense than trying to find a 1 3/16 in socket at Bunnings!!! (this is not a common size socket)

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My diff is leaking... Does anybody know if diffs need a new gasket? or is it just a matter of remove, clean, cykaflex??

Also - As im in need of my diff bushes changed, im guessing its best to get it all done at once??

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Tried this today, excellent idea!! I used to use a suction pump and do it in like 10 goes to fill it up.

now I just got a fat clear rubber hose, fed it through the rear driver side rim, through the suspension and straight into the filler hole.

then I just held up the tube from outside the car, and poured the bottles in. the castrol SAF-XA bottle has the nozzle which fit tightly into the tube, and when I pushed the bottle it forced it down the tube. to empty the tube for removal, I just squeezed the empty bottle into the tube and the air pressure fed it all through the tube into the diff.

much easier idea, thanks for the tip!

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