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If you can afford a 50k car, $200 in alcohol, $100 in petrol, you can afford $140 on a decent CB.

Whoa - this almost slipped by me....

WTF $200 worth of booze on a cruise? Sorry but as much as I don't mind a glass or two of wine, a stubby of the amber fluid a touch of the Turkey or whatever BUT come on guys! This is a Cruise! A family event where driving for some distances/tiems are involved.

Drink driving is not a good look, not legal and will play hell with the groups reputation so how about nipping that in the bud nice and early. Yeah I know the Snowy run was an overnighter, but even then we should try to keep a lid on the alcohol consumption thing. No-one wants a seedy grumpy Ken with a shocking hangover the next morning reversing his car into someones kids.

I'm not saying run them dry, but certainly enforce moderation, and everyone should be keeping an eye out for anyone that may be sailing close to any limit during a lunch stop etc.

Mates don't let mates Drink 'n' Drive - wasn't that a slogan from a few years back?


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Mates don't let mates Drink 'n' Drive - wasn't that a slogan from a few years back?


There's no reason not to enjoy a liquid refreshment when permitted, but moderation is the key of course.

Please Aaron don't drag up any more of those lines. :w00t2:

Scotty CCC

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Never said there was anything wrong having a drink (or three :nono: ) - more the fact that it's yet another avenue that can cause organisational troubles should something go wrong. :w00t2:

Nothing more, nothing less. Individual consumption is up to the individual, but at the very least there should be a clear understanding between the group about the involvement of alcohol (and any other drug) just as much as there is about the speed we'd all be driving at.

And no I'm not about to drag up any more of those lines.... Some of them were really bad weren't they!


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Never said there was anything wrong having a drink (or three :nono: ) - more the fact that it's yet another avenue that can cause organisational troubles should something go wrong. :w00t2:

Nothing more, nothing less. Individual consumption is up to the individual, but at the very least there should be a clear understanding between the group about the involvement of alcohol (and any other drug) just as much as there is about the speed we'd all be driving at.

And no I'm not about to drag up any more of those lines.... Some of them were really bad weren't they!


Thankyou Reverend Aaron.

Scotty CCC

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No drinking whatsoever the night before a cruise.

Everybody listening?






Myself included?

Anyone else who I forgot to mention who hit it hard at a certain snowy mountains bar.........

yeah, right!

Try and enforce that one!

If theres no drinkie poos the night before, there's nothing to talk about the next morning...

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I don't think Aaron was saying no drinking, just moderation. If you have a huge one on Saturday night you can still blow over the limit on Sunday morning. Agreed it would be pretty boring without having a few drinks.

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That's why we have partners to drive us home isn't it? :k24t::msm:

Seriously, there are a lot of good points here so far. Do we have an up to date cruise procedure/guideline drawn up?

A lot of the points mentioned here are very good and we should take them on board. Kenny, you've impressed me again. Why who knows, geez...lol j/k :lol:

We participate in these cruises because we want to have fun and meet up with people that share common interests. To have a site shut down due to sheer stupidity, (thank the stars it hasn't happened yet), would be a great loss.

In saying that, the people I have been in contact here in Brisbane are reasonably responsible, no irresponsible shinanigans have transpired to date and I'm confident that we don't have to pull the 'whip of distrust' out just yet. Rules need to be laid down and I think there should be a demerit scale if people do get out of hand....Sure.

At the moment our QLD numbers on cruises are small but I'm confident we will be getting more people coming on board. The amount of XR's on the road seems to have doubled. It's now seems to be fashionable to have a BA XR. :huh:

The idea of recording a list of names and registration numbers I feel is good. Checkpoints at scheduled meeting locations and lunch stops is also a good idea. I believe Ian and Adam in "Cruise Control" have been gathering lists of the QLD members. Ian has been PM'ing them. That's tops but it may also be an idea for Adam to build on your current database to include these contacts. :msm:

Chris: Would it be a good idea to set up some sort of registration database feature so users can log their interest and we will know who exactly has nominated to come on a cruise. Lot of work there but just a thought.


Anyway, I'm rambling. Habbit I have.

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