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  • Team Blueprint
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In my opinion ... and it is only my opinion .... we need to (sadly) implement some sort of penality or warning, etc. to anyone who drives irresponsibly on our cruises.

What price a child's life ... or yours ... or mine ... or somebody not on the cruise and just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Driving, by it's very nature, is an extremely dangerous pass-time and I'm not saying we can have incident-free cruises always. I'm just suggesting that we need to change the cruise mentality from one of "I'm a better driver than you, and I'll prove it" to "This is a family day, let's enjoy our cars and actually take in the scenery".

We should also cater to the more aggressive amongst us by providing track days etc., where the theme could (and should) be "I'm a better driver than you, and I'll prove it".

Just a final thought ... I don't want to be on a cruise where I'm constantly trying to "catch up" with the "lead pack". There shouldn't be a "lead pack" as far as I'm concerned.


Yep everything Ken said.....unfortunately there will always a lead pack and people behind and people wanting to go faster.

Even the slowest pace can be to fastfor some so as mentioned above a few CB's and non race attitude where if the person behind wants to go a little faster than you are, let them go past... and make it easy for them to do it.

The pace on the weekend was perfect around to the power station, very safe and loads of fun. Plenty of good scenery without having to"break your neck to see it"

:lol: even the co pilot didn't complain as she was enthrauled with the beauty of the surrounds.... which she could see and take in.

Best bit of all, we were all together (as well as could be expected for that many cars)


my 2 cents worth.


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In my opinion ... and it is only my opinion .... we need to (sadly) implement some sort of penality or warning, etc. to anyone who drives irresponsibly on our cruises.

What price a child's life ... or yours ... or mine ... or somebody not on the cruise and just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Driving, by it's very nature, is an extremely dangerous pass-time and I'm not saying we can have incident-free cruises always. I'm just suggesting that we need to change the cruise mentality from one of "I'm a better driver than you, and I'll prove it" to "This is a family day, let's enjoy our cars and actually take in the scenery".

We should also cater to the more aggressive amongst us by providing track days etc., where the theme could (and should) be "I'm a better driver than you, and I'll prove it".

Just a final thought ... I don't want to be on a cruise where I'm constantly trying to "catch up" with the "lead pack". There shouldn't be a "lead pack" as far as I'm concerned.



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  • The Thief of BadGags
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Just a final thought ... I don't want to be on a cruise where I'm constantly trying to "catch up" with the "lead pack". There shouldn't be a "lead pack" as far as I'm concerned.

You the man Ken !!!

In my opinion, the single most common reason for people giving in to the temptation to speed.

I realise there may be different reasons for the formation of a "lead pack". This may be through differences in driving styles, unhappy passengers, or just the mere fact that you miss the "light change".

A group cruise needs to be just that. Driving on your own way behind the rest of the group, is both boring and defeats the purpose of going on the cruise. Where a driver has elected to remain behind the group....then this is acceptable. He does not want to ruin the day for everyone else.

However, for the highway driving, where separation would not normally be evident, regular checks should be made to ensure that all those who want to stay with the group...are given the opportunity to do so.

Honest Gaza

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OK, then lets be open and honest about the weekend cruise round the snowys. Are there any gripes that anyone has about the way that the weekend went? If it is something that ppl are not prepared to post here publically, then please email me privately.

I personally was quite happy with the weekend. The pace down to Jindabyne was acceptable, and we all kept together well. On sunday, when Tanner had to go to the loo, we managed to catch up with the convoy in an acceptable manner without having to race or be too risky. My wife never complaned about the pace of the weekend. As Gaza said, I don't expect ppl to wait for me if I have to stop unless I suffer some sort of mechanical problem for example, and need help. As for the car sickness and the loo stops for kids, it's a given. I guess if we were so worried about it then we could leave them at home.

As far as sunday went, I think we were scheduled to arrive back in Canberra about 3pm, but it was in actual fact 6pm But I didn't hear anyone complaning...

I am planning to set up some basic rules and have even contemplated creating a sign on indemnity sheet, to be completed by each driver before leaving on an event. Basically saying that you are acting as an individual and no other person including the forums management or the event co-ordinator will be responsible for any damage to your car or penalties applied by law officials.



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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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I only have one major complaint about he Snowy's weekend and all involved would agree I think.

The Snowy's trip was the best cruise I've been on, for many reasons. One of those reasons was the fact that the pace was set to "cruise" speed, not higher. If we're being "open and honest" about it, I believe that the only reason we were doing that pace was because of the wake up call.

We all seem to agree what needs to happen, so let's stop talking about it and actually do something about it, before it's too late.

Andrew, I hope that you haven't mis-understood any of my comments/intentions. I believe that we should encourage MORE families and I understand that this means more un-scheduled stops and incidents ... hey, that's just kids, ok. When I suggest that we should keep together more, it's not because people with kids are falling behind or holding us up .... I'll always be 3 hours behind schedule if it means someone has to stop for a toilet break or clean green bile from the upholstery. :lol:

We're (mostly) adults here ... let's make some changes to ensure everybody's safety and comfort on future cruises.

2.2c + 2.2c

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  • Flower Power
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I totally agree with Andrew.

On another note, there will always be packs of leaders.

Some people feel comfortable in driving in front ahead of the rest of the group. As long as it's done safely and legally, there shouldn't be a problem.

You can't expect every one to stay at the same speed. Some people don't have the confidence and the ability to keep up with a group, others just want to enjoy the scenery, and it is unfair that the ones that are at the head of the pack should slow down because of the slower ones.

That is why there are always re-group points so the slower drivers can catch up. There is no need to drive unsafely to catch up to the lead pack.

Every one has a different way of enjoying a cruise. As I said before, as long as it is done safely & legally, and there are re-group points set out why is there a problem with having cars spread out?

For a rule, I recommend having a decent CB radio (2watts) mandatory for a cruise. They are not expensive. If you can afford a 50k car, $200 in alcohol, $100 in petrol, you can afford $140 on a decent CB.

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  • Weird Member
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Another point to consider is that when we are all together our cars have quite a visual imact and we have a definite 'presence'.

This means as well as behaving correctly in public, we must also be perceived to be behaving correctly.

For example, on the way home from snowy cruise on the weekend, between Cooma to Canberra as we travelled past the Bunyan airfield I pulled out to overtake a slower moving car (member of the public). I felt there was plenty of space to safely overtake. However the aproaching subaru driver, who had obviously not experienced the super fast overtaking ability of an XR6T felt diferently.

Even though I had pulled back onto my side of the road a good 200m before she came past, she insisted on flashing her headlights and leaning on the horn as she went by. :blink:

My money says when she gets to work on monday she will tell everyone about this huge bunch of lunatic drivers all in the same type of car one of which tried to kill her!!!

This will only become more of a problem as our group gets larger, and we become a spectacle that makes it into the local media (photo in local rag etc).

I for one will be driving more conservatively than normal, rather than faster than usual on the next cruise, as my driving will reflect on all of you...as will yours on me.

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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That does seem a reasonable RE:CB's Cro.

Not being on a run before, I'm not to sure of the setup (please don't flame me guys if this is the case) BUT would it be possible to have a few different Mods/Cruise Organisers spread out through the pack?

IE-The ones who are single/alone and might like to go a bit faster up front and one with family themselves cruising a bit more moderately? Or have the people who may be comfortable going a bit slower pair off?

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Guest cul08r
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no need to explain. I understood wjat you were saying. I just want ppl to be open about these things, so that when we cruise it is enjoyable.

There is nothing better than the huge visual impact of a sensible pack of car enthusiests. There is nothing worse than one idiot in the pack destroying that reputation.

I am not having a go at you YCL. I have had this same thing go on when travelling alone, often in my WRX. Jealousy? Maybe she was an inexperienced driver and knew her car could not have performed the same move and thought yours couldn't. Don't be too worried about what other ppl might think, until you see your photo in the local rag or on ACA!

XFwanna, that's what we are implementing on our NSW cruises, and it works very well.

I did feel a bit guilty about leaving Gazza at the stop b4 lunch, but he did not want to continue straight away and the group was already 2 hours behind schedule.

There are two evils that will always annoy the general public when cruising. Going too fast, and going too slow. It's between a rock and a hard place, so we just have to be sensible and respect other road users.

I was actually very surprised with the way the bikes were travelling just out of Jindy on sunday morning. Quite sensibly actually.


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