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Five Young Men Dead As Car Smashes Into Tree


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Guest XR09
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withstupid.gif Absolutely. You will never make a smart decision pissed.

One thing I would like to clarify. Defensive driving courses and advanced driver courses are not the same thing.

There are many different types of driving and riding courses you can take. ie Defensive, advanced, race craft, drifting.

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I've done numerous defensive and advanced driving courses, however the race craft course you mention sounds very interesting.

Do have a link that explains what the course entails,cost, locations etc

thanx in advance

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withstupid.gif Absolutely. You will never make a smart decision pissed.

One thing I would like to clarify. Defensive driving courses and advanced driver courses are not the same thing.

There are many different types of driving and riding courses you can take. ie Defensive, advanced, race craft, drifting.

could you explain the differnces?

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Guest XR09
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could you explain the differnces?

Sure. Firstly I don't do cars often. People scare me too much and I hate someone else driving, and if I am going to get hurt I would rather that I did it. My background is in bikes. but I am trying to crack into the advanced car training but it's a tough nut to crack. But I have done plenty of courses and have the required creditation and licenses to do it as a trainer. I am 48 and it just takes too long to heal these days for me to keep doing bikes.

A defensive driving course is about awareness. Learning to use your perifial vision. Using you eyes. Where to be on the road to be safe. How to brake effectively. How to corner. We teach you about your car. To leave turning into a corner till you can see through it. Where the apex really is. Reversing. We do not speed in these courses and if you fish tail or on a bike wheel stand for fun, your ass is grass and your strait out of there.

Basically what you should already have been taught or know to get a license in my opinion. We hopefully get rid of bad habits or false urban myths of driving. We show you how far it really takes to pull up two ton of metal and plastic. And how long it takes you to realize that you have to brake. We have a training method where you have to jump on the brakes hard, and at the last moment we tell you left or right, you are meant to get off the brakes and maneuver. So so many plough strait through. Simply because they don't use their eyes. Probably cant see through thier stomach in thier mouth. A defensive driving course is about staying alive, keeping your car in good running order. And you in good driving order.

An advanced course will still go over these basics. Basics are what build a strong foundation. But then we add the skid pan and the cones on corners so you have almost no choice but too take the right line. And seriously I don't care how good you think you are. We have so many chest beaters turn up and not a cone left standing at the end of the day.

So yes this is the fun course. not that the defensive is not fun. It's just really funny for me to watch peoples faces when you are telling them to hold wot and not brake yet. Or not to turn in yet. Or on a bike where you tell them to keep up and follow your line and you can see in your mirrors they have already started turning in 20m before you want them too. Ya just shake your head. So yes this course in theory is more about dynamics and going faster, holding corner speed. how to brake to and through the apex. Like on a bike I know so many guys my age (yes OLD) who have never been professionally taught and reckon the back brake is useless. Well yep it isn't going to stop you very well. but for me it's the main stabalizer of the bike. I can exagerate the gyroscopic affect of the crank to lean harder at a slower speed. It also sucks you into an apex. It's also my traction control coming out of a corner. we are now also showing how bad it is to talk on a mobile, even hands free while driving. You just cant concentrate on the road while on the phone. Even the best V8 SC boys cant talk to the comentators when they are a quick one. So how do you think you are going to survive the war zone called our roads.

This course is more about finding your limits.

A race craft course is what you take to get your cams License. Or what you should take. It's more about finding the cars limits and or yours.

The rules and regualtions of most motor sports. And what is considered propper behavior out there. You do not jump strait to this course. They are not cheap and you will just be wasting your money. Although lots do.

Just because I am an instructor does not make me a great driver. And at the moment I would say I am not. I have not had my car on a track or more so a road course for about a month. Even dumb pro golfers have to train every day just to hit a ball that isn't even moving. Yes I can go fast and make bikes do ridiculous things. but I did it every day for 12 years. Now I am once a month. And even I am going in for an advanced class next month. In any sport you need to train more than you play to be good at it. Motor sport is no different. But the consequenses if you dont are a lot worse than any other sport.

As for drift I have never done it and have no intentions of ever doing it. that's just me and not bagging drifting. It takes a hell of a lot of control to do it well. but to go around a track in what can only be described as the slowest way whilst chewing out a $1000 a corner the quickest way. Get out of here.

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One thing I would like to clarify. Defensive driving courses and advanced driver courses are not the same thing.

And neither would help what turns out to be a dumbshit behind the wheel taking out 4 ppl in this case.....

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Guest XR09
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You have that right.

Hey we still fly to new foreign places and blow them up, meet new people and kill them. All in the name of the FREE world. 5,000 years of evolution and we still haven't weeded out the ...............

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