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Five Young Men Dead As Car Smashes Into Tree


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no ones saying Im going out to drive pissed now , it's good to see some true honesty from people it would be even better to see it from everyone IB ,might actually get the younger blokes to think more than just saying your a dickhead if you drink drive

and the polls there so have you voted

Null vote for a pointless thread.


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So our "pathetic state governments" are so unfit to fix one of the most important/discussed topics in the media as we speak. God forbid you should suggest that the youth of today are the ones to blame, therefore they are a lost cause and only a cultural fix is required for the next late teen generation?? Will voters swallow that? This is the truth, but many on here don't think so. So which way do you want it? If it's not the fault of the kids(everyone f#ucks up apparently), then what exactly is the government to do about this current drunken, drugged, high powered car driving teen or twenty something?

The reason this new law won't work(I do agree), is that people dumb enough to do 160klm/hr, drunk, are never going to consider what is likely to happen as a result. A mate of the deceased gets caught the very next day speeding??? What else can you say about these people. It's not a mistake, it's pure stupidity at its finest. The theory of 'the wrong types are breeding heavily' in our society is a very relevant one at the moment. God, you've got to be optimistic to think things are going to improve. What sort of a flow on does the baby bonus have as an example?

I would like to hear what YOU think the government should do about it.

Education in conjunction with enforcement.

If EVERYONE was made to sit there knowladge test and driving test every 5 years, so that every 10 years you have been tested on both, we would ALL be better drivers.

I do not think the youth of today are any better/worse than 20 or even 100 years ago, it is just that the tools they choose to abuse tend to have worse results (drugs, high powered cars, money and the internet).

The youth of today tend to have more money and thus can get into more trouble, it is the same with all the footballers getting into trouble. The youth of today have the internet to learn about new stupid things to do and video it for Youtube. The media also focus on subjects such as kids in cars killing themselves. The cars are also far more powerful, handle/brake better and so the speeds that problems happen are far higher.

I am sure if you checked back in the 1960's that under 21's killed themselves hooning all the time. I am sure that in the 1880's they were killing themselves in horses.

You cannot stop the youth killing themselves, it is called natural selection and bad luck.

All we can do as parents/government is try to show the youth the potential for death, but most will ignore it and die anyway.

P.S I never deleted your posts.

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Null vote for a pointless thread.


That statement worries me , IB I have a lot of respect for what you do everyday , But to think that you have already become that close minded to think that these couple of topics going at the moment are totally pointless, I think you may find they have made more than a few stop and have a think for a minute.

Think like your among friends not the general public ,I don't think any posts have been made in a I'm a hero look what stupid sh*t I did way , Every one has been made from people who care and don't want to see other people go through this sh*t. :beerchug:

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