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Five Young Men Dead As Car Smashes Into Tree


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dags or one of the mods can someone please add a pole to this topic about drink driving..

Have you driven over the limit....or have you never driven over the limit...

An anonymous one...would be interesting what we come up with with...

Please if it does go up can you vote honestly...or dont vote at all....

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.19 what a knob cheese.

You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep, hoody wearing candy generation with no consequences to worry about.

Can you tell a lot about a person by the amount of empty cigarette packets and Jim Beam cans that have been taped to that up-rooted tree?

Sorry... hard to resist. Couldn't agree more though regarding the current young generation... it's the "I don't give a fu%k", "somethings gotta kill ya" attitude I'm hearing far too much. Dreading Australia day... all the bogans out there with their flag capes, tats and 'wife beaters'. Society needs to clean these people up.

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I'm so sorry marty...that these people don't belong in your perfect world...but what you said is disgraceful.. and says more about your personality than about his...

What about the younger generation...I remember clearly when I was that age....I was clearly told the same thing..whats the matter with the younger generation..and pretty sure most people heard the same thing through there younger years...

You need to accept people for who they are...not what you want them to be...

Edited by Rootster
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There is nothing wrong with the YOUTH of today.

I'm 48 and my kids are 10 and 13. My girlfriends are 16 18 & 19 and there bloody good kids.

My friends and I were a hell of a lot wilder in my teens than what most of the tackers get up to today. There was no radar, or RBT. How the hell I ever survived is beyond me.

We use to climb the harbour bridge well before you could pay to do it. try climbing under it at night. Or running through the train tunnels from hole to hole. You can feel the breeze long before you hear it.

One of our riders just got caught 0.32 on his way to work. He is older than me.

This is a very tragic thing. Please show some respect

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Well said Rootster.

Love the callous comments you heartless cnuts. Yes it was stupid, but maybe think of those left behind. If it was your son how the f*ck would you feel about reading this sh*t.

Absolutely disgraceful.

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Did I read that right your 48 and your girlfriends are 16, 18 and 19??

Hope I mis interpreted but isnt 16 a bit young?

bottom.gif your only as young as the woman you feel

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Prior to hearing that he was under the influence I did have a bit of respect for the bloke tab but now that the details have come out that he was drink driving it went straight out the window. I have full respect for those that were taken, but not the inebriated dickhead that got behind the wheel I'm afraid.

This knob's just given them the excuse to turn the wick up for every Victorian motorist.... :pooh:

Rooster start a new thread with the poll in it...

1 vote for never having driven under the influence in 22 years of driving....

My girlfriends are 16 18 & 19 and there bloody good kids.

You might want to rephrase that sentence.... :leghump:

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