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Five Young Men Dead As Car Smashes Into Tree


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Anthony Iannetta shielded little sister in fatal crash | News.com.au

And to top it off a 47 y/o male was caught 6 times over the limit outside the funeral for Anthony

That article says the kids sped off due to gate crashers. I don't think this was a case of reckless hooning, they were escaping from some violent ar$eholes. Hope those gatecrashers get caught and put on trial.

Ms Bryant said as partygoers started leaving early in the morning some gatecrashers had arrived and tried to cause trouble.

"These gatecrashers just came and cornered his car and opened his door trying to get him out, and he just sped off," Ms Bryant said.

"He was angry. They chased after him and ran after him, others jumped into a car and drove off after him."

Edited by NB4C
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OK, people fu#k up... these kids fu#cked up, so who cares right? I care about the safety of those who do the right thing on the road.

Would you maintain that attitude if you lost a loved one at the hands of a drunk driver? Would it be a 'laughable' matter then? If we all sat around, shared your attitude and accepted such great flaws in society, tell me where the place would be?

I hope you're never effected by such an incident.

roflmbo.gif you kill me man.....the topic is five men killed in car crash.......not how would you feel if a drunk killed your loved one on the road...or if I bash my wife....or the youth of today are retards...so stay on topic...thought that would be easy for an outstanding member of the community....This is an open discussion.....not you own internal personal battle on how this may effect you....you don't care you say...so why the agro..

Some words of advice marty

First in life one must understand themselves....and find out what triggers outburst like above...what makes you tick...why we react to certain circumstances the way we do...accept our own faults....self esteem issues...and so on ....

Marty when you get there..to the end of your journey and you truly understand what makes you tick..then you may have some hope in understanding others......beerchug.gif

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im begining to think this thread is being used as some peoples personal punshing bag,

looks like ppl r begining to take there personal/daily problems out on n e 1 they see open to an attack in this thead. which is pathetic!

if u think this is aimed at u, it isnt. But then again, if u have to think twice to c if its aimed at u, u should have a good look at what uve said :blush:

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Guest XR09
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im begining to think this thread is being used as some peoples personal punshing bag,

looks like ppl r begining to take there personal/daily problems out on n e 1 they see open to an attack in this thead. which is pathetic!

if u think this is aimed at u, it isnt. But then again, if u have to think twice to c if its aimed at u, u should have a good look at what uve said thumbsup.gif

surrenderwave.gif lol

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The Victorian government will move to crush the cars of repeat hoon offenders in the wake of last weekend's tragic fatality in which five young people died.

Transport Accident Commission Minister Tim Holding said the government was working through new laws that would include selling or crushing cars in a bid to further strengthen anti-hoon laws.

The announcement came just hours after the Victorian opposition unveiled its plan to crush vehicles for a third hoon offence if it wins the November election.

Mr Holding denied the government's plan was a reaction to the opposition's proposal announced on Friday by Liberal leader Tim Baillieu.

"The premier said earlier this week that options such as crushing hoon cars were on the table - and our government will implement a new regime for repeat hoon driving offenders, which will result in repeat hoon offenders having their cars confiscated to be sold or crushed," he said.

"Our government will carefully consider the new regime to ensure there are no significant unintended consequences."

Mr Holding said the government would release a full proposal but initial plans included selling cars of third time offenders and, once any third party debt has been paid, the surplus would be given to victims of crime.

Cars deemed unsafe would then be crushed.

Five young people were killed when their car slammed into a tree in Mill Park in Melbourne's north on Sunday

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typical knee jerk reaction.

Pity the governments are more conserned in apeasing the masses by taking instant action to appear to be doing somethins, rather than looking at the causes of the problems and actually solving the issue.

This is so typical of our pathetic state governments.

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So our "pathetic state governments" are so unfit to fix one of the most important/discussed topics in the media as we speak. God forbid you should suggest that the youth of today are the ones to blame, therefore they are a lost cause and only a cultural fix is required for the next late teen generation?? Will voters swallow that? This is the truth, but many on here don't think so. So which way do you want it? If it's not the fault of the kids(everyone f#ucks up apparently), then what exactly is the government to do about this current drunken, drugged, high powered car driving teen or twenty something?

The reason this new law won't work(I do agree), is that people dumb enough to do 160klm/hr, drunk, are never going to consider what is likely to happen as a result. A mate of the deceased gets caught the very next day speeding??? What else can you say about these people. It's not a mistake, it's pure stupidity at its finest. The theory of 'the wrong types are breeding heavily' in our society is a very relevant one at the moment. God, you've got to be optimistic to think things are going to improve. What sort of a flow on does the baby bonus have as an example?

I would like to hear what YOU think the government should do about it.

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I would like to hear what YOU think the government should do about it.

3 words

WHY THE GOVERNMENT ??? I think my life is regulated enough thanks

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  • Mmmmm......BOOST
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they are no different , the only difference is the coppers can't belt them nor their parent or anyone else that should because of the nancy state we live in .

I would play up but always in the back of the mind was if the local boys catch us were getting a belting ,that slows up a young male way more than , your going to court if you do that .

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