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Five Young Men Dead As Car Smashes Into Tree


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Tragic loss of life, Condolences to the families and friend of those involved

I agree with TAB. We have all done something stupid, Most ppl get away with it but some pay the ultimate price.

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Alcohol is the cause of so much misery in peoples lives. I have never smoked, drank,or taken drugs, but have a great time where ever I go being high on life. More people should try it out for a few days.

yeh true alcohol IMO causes more of societys problems than most other drugs combined, but its a lucrative revenue source for the govt and I do love smashing back some cold pints on a summer arvo so hopefully Prohibition never rears its fugly head again. everythings OK in moderation IMO

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I'm so sorry marty...that these people don't belong in your perfect world...but what you said is disgraceful.. and says more about your personality than about his...

What about the younger generation...I remember clearly when I was that age....I was clearly told the same thing..whats the matter with the younger generation..and pretty sure most people heard the same thing through there younger years...

You need to accept people for who they are...not what you want them to be...

Cry me a river Rooster. I have every right to express my opinion/disgust regarding this matter. Many of these kids are ill-directed imbeciles with no real ambition to do anything but get drunk, do drugs and milk society for all its worth.

And to all of you on here having a dig regarding my tone here, with the typical "how would you feel if it was your son" etc.. How about the poor innocent people who get taken out by these drunken idiots on the road? If any of you have had a loved one taken by a drunken driver, you would understand. These kids all willingly did the wrong thing and paid the ultimate price.... Care factor = 0. I'm just happy there were no innocent victims involved here.

This is societies problem. The youth of today generally expect everything to fall in their lap and really don't care about tomorrow. I'm 30yrs old now and things were definitely not the same 10 years ago, that's for sure. My perfect world you say? WRONG! Society has failed them, I'm just facing the obvious. Maybe you should do the same?

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sounds like you have some issues their ...................... people f*ck up the worlds not perfect and it never will be

im 30 also and to be honest im just greatfull im not as old and bitter as you roflmbo.gif

cheers trev

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OK, people fu#k up... these kids fu#cked up, so who cares right? I care about the safety of those who do the right thing on the road.

Would you maintain that attitude if you lost a loved one at the hands of a drunk driver? Would it be a 'laughable' matter then? If we all sat around, shared your attitude and accepted such great flaws in society, tell me where the place would be?

I hope you're never effected by such an incident.

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Well buddy

My Bro was taken out ten years ago, eleven in May on Windsor rd on his way to work about seven am. By a truckie who was speeding, overloaded and still over the limit at that time of the morning.

Unfortunately for my brother and the rest of my family, my brother did not die and now requires 24/7 care. He is not much better than a dribbling veg. He cant talk, or do anything for himself, not even make a cup of coffee. At best he shuffles around in a walker but it takes him so bloody long to get from his room to the kitch or lounge, your better off going and getting the wheel chair. And by the time you have done that he has no idea what he wanted.

It made me change careers and become an instructor. To volunteer my time and effort into the polotics of it all. Which is like trying to suck your own cock. It aint ever going to happen!!! But you try, you try because you care and hope to make a small change.

If my going on about driver training on here and other sites maybe just saves one life, or saves one person from being like my bro, then it's worth every bit of it.

Sorry but I do feel compassion for the kid and his passengers. I have it for his family and freinds. I have it for the people who had to clean up this mess.

Were all human and no one is ever going to be an angel or get it right all the time. A loss of a life is a tragic thing and ranting and raving is going to do jack for anyone.

Sorry IMO I find it pathetic.

It will be up to your personality if you take this as abuse or enlightment.


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BAC 0.19 + Overloaded car + Excessive speeds = Recipe for disaster.

Everyone makes bad decisions and this is a prime example of a yonug person who cocked up and it cost him and his 5 mates their lives.

No doubt this accident will be used in an arguement to harshen up on P-plates further.

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Can you tell a lot about a person by the amount of empty cigarette packets and Jim Beam cans that have been taped to that up-rooted tree?

Sorry... hard to resist. Couldn't agree more though regarding the current young generation... it's the "I don't give a fu%k", "somethings gotta kill ya" attitude I'm hearing far too much. Dreading Australia day... all the bogans out there with their flag capes, tats and 'wife beaters'. Society needs to clean these people up.

I completely agree with you.

There is nothing wrong with the YOUTH of today.

I'm 48 and my kids are 10 and 13. My girlfriends are 16 18 & 19 and there bloody good kids.

My friends and I were a hell of a lot wilder in my teens than what most of the tackers get up to today. There was no radar, or RBT. How the hell I ever survived is beyond me.

We use to climb the harbour bridge well before you could pay to do it. try climbing under it at night. Or running through the train tunnels from hole to hole. You can feel the breeze long before you hear it.

One of our riders just got caught 0.32 on his way to work. He is older than me.

This is a very tragic thing. Please show some respect

Get f*cked.

You have no idea mate. I'm 19, and I witness first hand what the youth of today is like.

Try going out into the city at night.

I see kids getting arrested everywhere. People getting stabbed. 16year olds out at 3am looking for people to fight, or to get drugs. I see taxis getting bottled if they wont pick a suss looking group up.

If you think this behaviour is all A.OK, and theres nothing with these kids, then you need to wake the f*ck up. Sounds like you havn't been out of the house in years mate.

If your kids are 10 & 13, I'd be keeping a very close eye on them. The youth of today is getting alot worse than what it used to be. Believe me.

1) I can't think of a word close to 'deserving' of death .. but it'd be close. Too bad this kid took out innocents with him, aswell as caused a bad rep for every fkn P plater.

2) The passangers willingly got into the car with him knowing he was drunk, and had prior driving record.. They're all f**king wankers. None of them even gave a sh*t about their own lives.

I've always maintained the mantra that if you drink or take drugs and get into a car to drive, you have to be willing to die or kill someone else. It's one of the stupidest things you can do. And to be driving at those sort of speeds WITH an overloaded car and smashed off your head.. I mean come on.. does anyone even have common sense anymore?

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