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High Kms Opinion For Fg


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Guest XR09
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Yes it should still have the remaining warranty coverage.

Almost 60 thousand k's would worry me a bit. It would depend on the price. Definitely not over $35 thou for it. They would have given the poor sap who sold it $30k tops.

With the FG Ford keep a complete record or all warranty and service work done on it at any Ford dealer. And any mods done by you LOL not true Mine is modded and I have seen it's records on the computer and they have only my service and warranty work on it. Ask to look at the history of it.

So if you are going to do it up a bit and the price is right then no problems.

But remember your front bushes are going to need replacing soon, your coil packs might last another 30 thou or go in 10. When is the big service due for an FG? Tires, brakes.

Remember once you start modding it never stops, bad bad habit the modding one.

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