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Zf Install


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  • miso xr6
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  • Member For: 16y 3m 1d

hi everyone I was wondering if someone here can help me out,I have jus bought a zf typoon gearbox with euery wiring loom modules, sensors included, so basically I have euerything except for the actual ecu,im looking at putting the gear in my ba xr6 turbo,could I just use my ba ecu or do I have to change that aswell to a typoon unit?

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I seriously doubt that.

The 4 speed will never be stronger or nicer to drive than the ZF. (I've had both, including "strengthened" 4 speed)

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That link is all good but it was done a few years ago when 6 speeds were fairly new.

Surely someone has found an easy/cheaper way to do it, I'd love to trade up but love the car and dont want to lose cash and go more in debt.

I wish someone would find a way to convert easily as the only thing I dont like on my T is the 4 speed. :thumbsup:

If some else has done it it would be great to hear from them, and see if they have come across any tips and tricks that would make this a viable conversion. :shocked:

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  • miso xr6
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Why even bother...theres alot more to it than just buying the parts, you could rebuild the btr 4 speed cheaper and stronger.

hey mate I see you running great numbers so are you using the four speed, an tell me is it handling fine, iv blown my standard 4 speed up an I was thinking sould I build an strenthen it up, but then came along a hole car were I can transfer all the gear to my car, so im really confused mate I know that this will be one hell off a crazy job to do, an whats funny is now that im hearing people are starting to build real tuff btr 4 speeds handling the 350 to 4oo kw mark an now people are euen giuing warantys as well im confused I think I jus hav to think this through.

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Personally id be building the 4 speed, ive had mine for 2yrs now, and its still going after alot of runs down the strip and also alot of kms travelled as a workute, but that's my opinion and everyone has there own, on the other hand if u were to go and fit the 6 speed in it will cost you alot of money to do, theres alot to of changes to be done and if you arnt doing it yourself it will be very expensive, hence why I told you to stick with the 4 speed.

There are some trans builders out there that rip you off on the 4 speeds and others who do a good job.

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Firstly, Did your 4speed break mechanically, or did you just wear out the frictions. If it was the latter. there's not enough shift pressure.

To do a 6speed conversion is fairly full on, as per that post, you need all the looms, BF PCM, BF ABS module, just to sumerise a few of the changes.. Personally. if you want a 6 speed auto. buy a BF.. It will be cheaper :D

I've got both 4speed auto, and 6speed auto.. And well.. Honestly, They don't compare to each other. in saying that, I don't favour one over the other. They both have pro's and cons on where they work the best, and I guess that works well for me in both situations.

I've broken my 4 speed auto box a number of times in the past. But the major failure point has been breaking the planterys. Only the first time, did I loose 2nd/4th gear due to a cooked band. Currently running hell of a lot more power, and its handling fine.. But I've also learnt to tune it a hell of a lot better since those many years ago.

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So what are the 4 speed builders strengthening now?

Do they have aftermarket planetries yet?

that's one of the main failures isnt it. Apart frop clutches slipping. I know I destroyed my overdrive shaft but I think that was due to a dodgy build, So far 2 years later running 300rwkw no dramas (touches every bit of wood in reach).

But I think if mine goes bang again it will be a toughened C4 that I have sitting in the shed. Sux to lose a cog but reliability is a big thing. And as I've been looking for a few years now no-one has done a money/labor friendly ZF conversion. :w00t2:

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