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Re-Drilled Injectors


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Hey Guys,

Need some advice on the next stage of my mods. My current tuner is recommending re-drilled standard injectors for my FG F6 as he believes this is the best option. I spoke to him about using siemens injectors, however he believes they are not the best option for the FG's? Excuse my ignorance on this topic, but he told me that the siemems injectectors have a cone spray pattern which does not suite the FG inlet manifold design? (think that is what he told me??)

What are people's opinions on re-drilled injectors? Should I go down this path or look for a different tuner, as I see many people on here use the siemens 60lb injectors.


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a site sponsor and well regarded tuner has told me they'll tune with dekkas (the 60lbs ones) if I want but really recommend the nizpro drilled ones as he is happier with the results from them. Hard to know what is sales and what is right but I'll probably go with the nizpro ones.

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At the end of the day its a good idea to use the injectors your chosen tuner is recomending, if they are getting great results form them, then go with them.

Even though I use and sell Seimens Deka injectors, I always tell poeple to use what ever their tuner recomends as they will usually get the best results from the injectors they prefer to use.

There's no point in rocking up to your tuner with injectors they dont want to use, if you want to use the Dakas, find a tuner that's happy to use them, if your happy with the tuner you have, then use what they recomend.

The 60lb & 80lb short (FG) and long (BA BF) Dekas have a 4 orifice, 30degree spray pattern, perfect for our multi valve heads.

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Re-drilled injectors are not the way to go IMO. The FG injector is a EV14 injector that puts out a BRILLIANT spray pattern. Once you drill the injector you straighten the spray pattern and sometimes make it go all over the place. The holes in the injector are done by a laser and cant be replicated. Whilst even a drilled injector will outperform say a pintle injector you will sacrifice something when you may not need to.

I have not looked into it closely but there are other factory EV14 style injectors have come out and may do the job with untouched injectors.

Check out


I think the shorty injector on the right that flows 65lb at 58psi may do the job. I am quite sure its an untouched injector.

I think tuners should look at raising base fuel pressure on these EV14 injectors instead of drilling them to get the flow out of them. These injectors can take 100psi but then you need to upgrade the pump(a Walbro wont be good enought) and regulator, I think you get a better outcome.

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0 280 156 123 is the factory BA / BF injector that has a particular dual Spray with some bent angle as well. If you look at the install positioning of the injector, the spray is designed to split (dual spray) so that there is spray direct into both runners.

Once modified...drilled....the question is....does the dual spray characteristic remain or does the injector simply become a 4 hole job like the siemens deka?

IMO, if the dual spray pattern is lost when the injector is drilled then you may as well go with a Deka (cheaper) PROVIDING the tuner knows how to tune them for good idle etc.


I have a set of EV14's on the way from the USA I'll be trying in the next few weeks :-)

Attached is some WOT differences between the nizpro drilled and the siemens deka, notice how the drilled leans off immediately whereas the dekas stays rich and works it's way back to stoich.



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Thanks for everyones feed back on this. I sent an email to my tuner with the new Bosch EV14 product sheet. He told that "these injectors have different spray pattern and require different electrical plugs?


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Yeah the EV14 is a USCAR and the factory BA/BF (FG??) is a minitimer however you can get clip-on adaptors for the BA/BF (and therefore FG if it's a minitimer connector), so no biggy there. Spray pattern...well that's more important. Just out of curiosity, I would confirm whether the drilled injectors being recommended maintain the twin spray pattern.

In the end of the day the drilled injectors I have used have worked very well and are a peice of cake to tune :-) Siemens Deka's work fine also.

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My injectors are drilled out on my FG Xr6t, im very happy and havent had any dramas at all. Idle and coldstarts are good.

As RAPID mentioned go with what your tuner reccomends, that's the path I went down..


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0 280 156 123 is the factory BA / BF injector that has a particular dual Spray with some bent angle as well. If you look at the install positioning of the injector, the spray is designed to split (dual spray) so that there is spray direct into both runners.

Once modified...drilled....the question is....does the dual spray characteristic remain or does the injector simply become a 4 hole job like the siemens deka?

IMO, if the dual spray pattern is lost when the injector is drilled then you may as well go with a Deka (cheaper) PROVIDING the tuner knows how to tune them for good idle etc.


I have a set of EV14's on the way from the USA I'll be trying in the next few weeks :-)

Attached is some WOT differences between the nizpro drilled and the siemens deka, notice how the drilled leans off immediately whereas the dekas stays rich and works it's way back to stoich.

What are you trying to compare with these two graphs?

Or, how can you compare these two graphs? The first graph has a time scale that starts at 35 seconds where as the second one starts at 3.5 seconds? What were the perameters surrounding both graphs?

I fail to see the relationship between both graphs purely based on the timelines between each.

Show me some real comparisons, not just up and down graphs.

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